Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pedobear smiles

I LOL'd!!!

The Republican Party is fixin' to make me into a felon. Rick emails to point out what the GOP Defenders of Liberty™ are up to:
On September 22, 2011, H.R. 3011 was introduced in the House. It is entitled the “Transportation Security Administration Authorization Act of 2011” and it contains some curious language.

In other words, if you print a t-shirt or produce a publication with a TSA logo, the government may soon be able to arrest and prosecute you.
The language states that it would be illegal to “convey the impression” that you are representing the TSA, but this interpretation would likely be left to federal prosecutors.
In the past, satire was protected under the First Amendment, but it may soon be illegal to poke fun at the TSA or use its logo or even utter its name. Notice there is no exception in the above language for parody.
And who is the Statist Prick introducing legislation making a felon of someone mocking the unionized gropers and clock watchers who are killing our air travel industry? Republican Mike Rogers.

When I become King, I shall take pleasure in exiling Legislators who make it a crime to mock pedophiles in uniform.

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