Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This Halloween Please Don't Give Money to Pro-Terror, Anti-Capitalism UNICEF !!

This coming Monday millions of children across America will be putting on their scariest costumes and going door to door asking for candy. Its that Halloween time of the year again. Whether you are a parent or not, whether your children go "trick or treating" or not, I guarantee that your house is going to be swarmed by lots of little ghosts, zombies, Captain Americas, and vampires. Many of the visitors will be carrying the little orange UNICEF boxes. But remember when you greet the Kids, give them loads of wrapped candy but please don't give any money to UNICEF.

UNICEF money goes to things like Palestinian Summer Camps which train kids to be Homicide Bombers, Production of Anti-Semitic literature, it has written materials praising the oppressive north Korean regime, was a big supporter of the recently deceased tyrant Gadaffi, and created anti-Semitic advertising. In short your pennies are being used to support terror and hatred.

Don't blame the little kids just refuse politely--they are totally unaware as is their parents. Give them an extra Kit-Kat bar and send them on their merry way. The world will be better off.

For example, here is a recent example from March 2009.

This advertisement featuring anti-Semitic imagery bearing the UNICEF logo. The advertisement was placed by a Palestinian Authority youth organization, PYALARA (Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation), which is funded by UNICEF. It promotes a TV show created by PYALARA

The ad shows an axe destroying a Star of David. The large Star of David that has been destroyed is decorated with stars and stripes, presumably representing the USA, and an additional smaller Star of David - a common theme in anti-Semitic cartoons that imply Jewish control of the US. On the axe that destroys the Star of David is the word "Boycott!" in the imperative tense.

Two years ago as part Committee Against Torture, UNICEF helped to libel the Jewish State with unsupported charges claiming Israel engages in the “widespread and systematic use” of torture against Palestinians and operates with a “culture of impunity.”

Of course the report totally diminishes or ignores Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.

The report introduces issues completely unrelated to the issue of torture, such as the “Gaza siege” and “house demolitions,” in order to politicize the UN treaty body process.
One of the coalition’s several reports to the Committee entirely focuses on the Gaza War and how the operation amounted to “torture.” It repeats several spurious NGO claims such as the deliberate targeting of civilians with white phosphorous.
The report makes sweeping generalizations regarding the Israeli justice system, with few or no sources for the allegations. For instance, the claim that Palestinian detainees “are almost never told of his or her rights and [are] invariably denied access to a lawyer” is based entirely on limited anecdotal evidence. .
Much of the submission cites to discredited reports issued by B’Tselem and HaMoked in May 2007 and Yesh Din.
The report claims Israel is engaging in torture by only allowing family members to visit relatives in prison “twenty four times a year,” that they must communicate via a glass partition, and that “only” three relatives are allowed per visit. Which was 24 more visits a year more than Gilad Shalit received.
Recently UNICEF released another report (this time a solo job) which criticizes Israel for the children killed while fighting terror. Any collateral death is horrible, especially a child, but just like the 2009 report they omit the real cause of the deaths, Palestinian attacks against Israeli citizens. If Israel didn't have to defend herself against constant attacks there would be no children's caught in the crossfire.

UNICEF is more than anti-Israel, it has issued many reports blaming capitalism for many of the world's ills.That's why, according to the orange box people, children in Great Britain and the United States are in big trouble.

In A 2003 UNICEF issued a report praising the North Korean dictatorship:
the particular strength of the DPRK’s policy framework lies in its comprehensiveness, integration and consistency in addressing the interests of children and women. It has been aligned with the collective production system. The Government has proactively broadened and updated its laws and policies on an ongoing basis, also making an effort to harmonize with international innovations and standards
The kids walking around with the Orange boxes don’t know about UNICEF’s anti-Israel policy and support of dictators and terrorists. They are just doing the bidding of the politically correct educators who blindly push anything that has the UN's name attached to it. So instead of making a lame excuse like you don't have change, just nicely explain to the kids why you aren't giving them money. Tell them that UNICEF money helps terrorist groups. Then give the kid an extra handful of Reese's.

If your kid's school is handing out those orange boxes why not call the school and explain to them what UNICEF is really about...I did.

While the children and the orange box are very cute, remember a penny for UNICEF is a penny for terrorism, tyranny, and extremism.

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