Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Victory through Useful Idiots and Weak Enemies


Tovarisches, I wanted to share the obvious with you, in keeping with my handle, particularly since it seems the Occupussies are in need of remedial indoctrination reeducation. Below are listed some of the tools of our success. Feel free to add and expound as your creativity directs.

Protests and riots, with which to instill fear into the hearts of RethugliKKKans and Tearrorists with violent, meandering, purposeless destruction. Simultaneously encourage (it comes naturally to them anyway) Dimocrat politicos and union thugs leaders to speak on the valuable show of Democracy and patriotism said violence is proof of. Hey, it worked for the Arab Spring.

Dead People Voting – ever a reliable way of securing the success of our electorate.

Our useful Media Idiots – they know we can do no wrong. They are merely an extension of ourselves, trained by us to know their place.

Educational Institutions – training up generations of drones, whether in the Media, on Wall Street, or in our own ranks.

The Constitution - trash, trample, denigrate, and mutilate at every opportunity.

Balkanization – denounce dissenters as racist terrorist America- and Constitution hating idiots. In other words, project who you are and what you believe on everyone who disagrees with you.

Gangsta Politics – keep twisting arms of dissenting politicos out of their sockets until they comply.

Continue populating bureaucracies with bureaucretins who are tasked with churning out freedom- and productivity-crushing regulations at super-committee top-government speed and efficiency. Ditto courts.

Rule Against The Will of The People – those who disagree with us are merely Tearrorists and RethugliKKKans anyway. They are the problem, not us. That is why their doom is assured.

Continue to fund and ram down the peoples’ throats policies that RethugliKKKans and Tearrorists don’t want while pouring trillions of taxpayer funds into the black hole of red green energy projects that are sure to fail.

Continue redistribution of wealth from successful hard-working people to lazy slugs who will vote for you if you continue to steal from the producers give them more stuff from your stash.

And if all else fails - suspend elections if required – thus showing how you truly believe in our Representative Republic.

How can I so confidently predict that these tried-and-true techniques will continue to serve us in achieving the final goal: the realization of The Progressive World of Nest Tuesday™?

The answer is simple.

The enemy is afraid.
For decades we have been infiltrating their culture, their media, their schools, their businesses, their governments. They have never fought back. We draw a line in the sand, they yield. They accuse us of using emotions to set policy. But they fail to see that they are being controlled by their own emotions. We have trained them not to fight. Not to stand up for themselves, because to do so is mean-spirited, bigoted, racist, terrorist, homophobic. We were successful with the hard men of the nineteen-thirties and -forties, the “greatest generation”, and we succeed even more easily now with this linguini-spined, lilly-livered, modern conservative movement. If they dare protest our beneficence in destroying them, we will use our proles, our media, our institutions, and our regulations to attack their families and their God, as well as their liberties and businesses, with redoubled intensity. Their weak, cowering “champions” have not fought back, and they will not fight back as we march and rally and riot and shout and burn their bourgeois toys and bury in regulations what meager business they still manage to conduct and contract their beloved liberty until it is less than a memory. They have watched and will continue to watch helplessly as we sweep them away with our grand socialist visions and dreams of utopia, as we continue to proclaim audacious hope and change.

We will win because we have people whom we have trained and brought up from before they were weaned; our people whom we indoctrinate to be life-long children, whom we lovingly call Useful Idiots; our proles, our chattel. They are cheap and demand little from us, while demanding much from those on whose necks our boots are fixed. Proles are easily duped into thinking skyrocketing medical costs and diminishing medicines, supplies, and care are a result of Evil KKKapitOlism, not brought on by our suffocating programs, bills, regulations and impossible labyrinthine demands. Proles will not blame us for policies, spending, redistribution, and devaluation that are righteously bringing the Evil U.S. of KKK to its knees and finally bringing it into parity with the remainder of the third world. Proles know that when we tell them they are actually better off not wanting to expend their own effort and therefore have no opportunity, and certainly no liberty in any case, to attain adequate health care, quality inexpensive clothing and shoes, unprecedented abundance and varieties of high-quality, inexpensive, nutritious food, comfortable, inexpensive housing and furnishings of their own, cheap energy, indoor plumbing, affordable, clean, efficient heating and cooling systems, inexpensive, reliable private transportation, entertaining, affordable high-tech gadgets and distractions, we would not lie to them, for oppression government by us is good, moral, and we’re for the little people. So when Evil KKKapitOlists are no longer able to produce those things the proles feel entitled to because we have regulated those Evil ones out of existence and priced their products into the stratosphere by currency devaluation and an inability to compete, the proles will cheer us, and blame those who once produced and drove the Evil KKKapitOlist economy. If the proles dare protest our beneficent rule, we will righteously call them greedy and turn them against one another. The 0ne is practiced in the art, and we taught him well.

The proles will perform whatever tasks we desire, obeying without question. We know they are disposable, and all our communications with them will underscore this unspoken threat fact. We have attained the moral high ground. We are the good, the providers; we are those who give life, pain, and delight. When we work them to death, it is of no concern to us – there will always be more workers. They will continue to love us for the crumbs we generously provide them. In return, we merely require the proles give us all their adoration, all their labors, their very lives. It is a small price to pay, a small gift to earn the favor of their gods.

We will continue to break up, overturn, and burn all the Evil KKKapitOlists’ stuff while demanding they give us all their stuff for free. We will take the products created from the success they attained from their freedom to succeed and ensure they are enslaved. We who have earned nothing will take everything from those who unfairly used their efforts and time to succeed, build, and produce, because all their efforts, all their time, their very lives belong to us. We will succeed in the final twists of the screw that is turning their culture into ruinous rubble. When their toys fall apart and no one can fix them, when air conditioning, gasoline engines, electricity, running water, and indoor plumbing are distant memories and, as we shall easily convince the starving masses, perhaps never existed at all, we will still be the ones who live in relative luxury. We will be the ones with the hand-crafted horse-drawn carriages. We will be the ones with the stone castles. We will be the ones whose servants dispose of our garbage while the proles wallow in theirs, unable to rid themselves of it because to do so taints the environment. We will have all the toys – so what if iPads, smart phones, computers, television, motorized vehicles, cheap energy, central heating, cooling, refrigeration, plumbing, inexpensive, wholesome food, and luxurious private housing are things of the past? As long as we have power, even over a decayed, dumb, dispirited populous, and as long as we have the best of what is available, no matter how shoddy or ramshackle, who cares? It’s the power, stupid. And it must all be ours.

They are sheep. We are wolves. We shall continue as we have been, as we shall ever be – devouring all who stand in our way and spitting out their cowardly bones to mark the grave of their shame and failure.

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