Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WALL STREET INSIDER: The Obama White House Wants Us Gone. All of Us.

by Ulsterman on October 17, 2011

Our latest interview with a longtime Wall Street Insider reveals details of a troubling Obama White House stance against Wall Street executives voicing concern over the now daily violence permeating the Occupy Wall Street movement – and a belief the Obama administration may be actively engaged in helping create that conflict.

Ulsterman: This is the first time you contacted me instead of me contacting you to speak – why the change?

WSI: Things have become much more…serious. This occupy thing…it’s getting…I have never considered myself one for conspiracy, but what I am being told is happening with these protests has left me quite stunned and quite concerned. Even more than just a week prior.

Ulsterman: And what is that? What have you heard?

WSI: A number of calls were made. Direct to the White House. People with considerable influence…people who supported the president in 2008. People who don’t wish to see events spiral out of control here.

Ulsterman: Did they speak to the Obama? President Obama?

WSI: I don’t believe so – not directly. I am told the president no longer engages in direct communication with most of us anymore. His advisers have declared war on Wall Street. Open war. That is what much of what you see going on down there represents. And the Obama White House…sadly…they are behind much of it. They and their union associates.

Ulsterman: Who did they speak to? At the White House?

WSI: I don’t know. What I do know is the message that came back to them was…unfavorable. Certainly very inconsiderate to the concerns of these events unfolding into something terribly violent and increasingly dangerous to a lot of people working and living in this city. And it could very well spread across the country. It’s already started in other parts of the world of course – the violence. The instability to the system. The Obama White House wants us gone. All of us. Anyone of us not fully supportive of his policies.

Ulsterman: What do you mean “gone”?

WSI: Just what I stated. Gone. Out of the way. Our ability to make a living eliminated. The system as we know it…the foundational freedoms of the free market…they consider it a burden. A problem. Something that needs to be redefined where government controls every critical component of the system. In essence, they want the end of capitalism. I know that has been said before, and I was among those who would roll their eyes at such an accusation against President Obama. Call me a believer now. What is being told to me…to others whose livelihood had been working within the current system – the situation is growing very dire. Very dangerous. I am not saying I fear for my life necessarily…it’s not that. It’s that I fear for this country’s way of life. I have never felt it to have been in so much danger as I do so right now. And it’s moving quickly – very quickly in a direction I think very few wish to comprehend.

Ulsterman: When we spoke last time you sounded so confident. You said you were going to pick up a broom – I believe that’s how you put it. Pick up a broom and sweep the protesters out of the park. Why the change in tone? And so quickly.

WSI: To my credit, that is exactly what was about to happen within days of my telling you that, correct? The protesters were given notice. The park was in fact scheduled to be cleaned. I knew of that intention. Then…the cleaning was delayed. That was followed by an immediate response from protesters toward more violent actions. Do you know there was an employee – a person working for one of the firms, injured by a group of protesters a short time ago? They were accosted. Made the mistake of trying to intellectually challenge the protesters – ask them why they were doing what they were doing. They were pushed, shoved down, scraped up. The firm…the firm decided to not make the altercation public for fear of reprisal by the mob. No charges. No media reporting on the incident. No consequences to those who attacked the individual. The space between that event and all out chaos is a very-very narrow one indeed. The message is going out to these people – these so called protesters…go ahead and attack. There will be no consequence. Attack.

Ulsterman: Who is giving them those – not sure what you would call it…those orders?

WSI: Officially it starts at the administration, who in turn have been told by the union leadership to not only stand down, but to lend support to the protests. That to not lend support to the movement would prove politically…uncomfortable to them. To the Obama White House.

Ulsterman: You still believe the unions are the primary force behind this Occupy Wall Street thing?

WSI: Absolutely. There are other groups…fringe groups, who have attached themselves to it of course, but in the end, it is Big Labor who are calling the shots, funding, providing pressure to the media, to the administration, to law enforcement…they are the ones pulling the strings on these events.

Ulsterman: You really believe unions have become that powerful?

WSI: When you have the full backing of the Executive Branch of the United States government…yes I do. And I don’t believe it – I know it to be so. We spoke of what happened with the auto industry. The bailout that went to the unions at the expense of the bond holders. A long history of financial precedence simply turned away by this administration. We have spoken of – you have reported on, the fraud inherent in the stimulus funding. Billions upon billions that went to organized labor. Unions are holding a gun to the head of America’s free market system and they appear increasingly willing to pull the trigger. These protests are an extension of that willingness. When Wall Street – some of us, began to indicate we would not be supporting the president’s re-election in 2012…some in the White House took that as an act of war against them. This started well over a year ago you know. What you see happening down there…those silly people being used as pawns…it is a form of punishment and intimidation against Wall Street for speaking to concerns surrounding the administration. But I now fear the punishment initially intended has grown far beyond the borders of that intent. The monster is overcoming its master, as is so often the case. And this White House is ok with that. They have been told…this is my own speculation here…they have been told to let it happen.

Ulsterman: What? Let what happen?

WSI: The violence that is coming. What some want to see happen. As I told you, the tone that came back from those calls made to the White House – it was…oddly indifferent. That indifference tells me they have decided to push these protests to the brink. I don’t entirely understand why…why they would be willing to do so – and that frightens me.

Ulsterman: You are saying the Obama White House wants violence to break out in New York? Throughout the country?

WSI: I am saying that such violence is going to likely happen – the foundation has now been laid out for that kind of thing, and the administration appears…disinterested in the preventions of that violence. If anything, they are promoting it to some degree. They are being clever about it of course – but there has been absolutely no denouncement from the White House of what is going on down there. Nothing. Only support. Only encouragement. Even as they are receiving word of the dangers, of the altercations, of the potential for greater violence – the Obama White House only offers its support of these events. Why is that? What is their purpose? ZuccottiPark should have been cleared last week. To have backed down only lent more courage to these protesters. It made them increasingly volatile. Now if there is a move by law enforcement against the protesters, the dangers will be greatly increased than just a week ago. The violence will be much-much worse. Police will be harmed. Citizens will be harmed. Businesses harmed. Why would the White House appear intent on seeing that happen?

You were rattled when the order to clean the park was delayed. Some powerful people were ignored on that, weren’t they? You discovered Wall Street was no longer in control here. Isn’t that right?

WSI: (Long pause) I suppose that is part of it, yes. We were told this thing was going to be resolved. Local figures…people whose livelihood requires at least in part our support and approval…they indicated it would be cleaned up soon.

Ulsterman: But that didn’t happen. Somebody with more authority, more influence than you intervened…

WSI: It would appear so, yes.

Ulsterman: The White House?

WSI: Quite possible – perhaps likely… though I am more certain they received their orders from union leadership figures. And the concern now is beyond just here. Beyond Wall Street. I have associates in London – the situation there has the potential to prove even more unstable. I was, until very recently, unaware things had gone so far wrong.

Ulsterman: So what now? How do you fight back?

WSI: I don’t. Not directly. Not now. What I spoke of before will happen. Perhaps even more so. Perhaps not. People are frightened. Increasingly so. The Obama administration is burning bridges. They are willing to do so. That is the situation. They appear to believe they don’t need some who supported them in 2008. That the unions and some in the media will be enough to overcome the GOP opponent.

Ulsterman: Do you agree with that? Can they win re-election?

WSI: Certainly there is that possibility. As to probability – I don’t know. The actual politics of it all – that is not my world. Our acquaintance would have much more to tell you on that. You asked me what I plan to do now? I’m leaving the city. I am getting out until whatever is going to happen – and I believe it will take place soon…I don’t wish to be here when it does. And I’m not the only one. People need to wait and see – and then regroup.

Ulsterman: You’re running away?

WSI: Sure – feel free to call it that if you wish. I am removing myself from the immediate threat that is this situation down there. I am removing my family from it. Those I care for. That is the responsible thing to do. And I would suggest you not return here as well – not until this thing…however it intends to resolve itself. Stay away from it for now.

Ulsterman: What do you fear is going to happen down there? What is coming?

WSI: I don’t wish to be overly dramatic here…but violence. Injury. Perhaps death. Most certainly destruction of property. It’s getting dangerous. I can sense it. It’s palpable. And you feel it too, don’t you?

Ulsterman: It reminds me of growing up in Northern Ireland, yes. It does remind me of that…uneasy feeling that something terrible could happen just around the turn…

WSI: That’s it exactly. Just around the turn. Something terrible is coming just around the turn. So for now, I’m getting out. I’m blessed to have the means to do so. I fear for those who do not.

Ulsterman: If violence does break out down there – what then? Where does all of this go?

WSI: If that happens – and I pray it does not…but if that happens, my instinct tells me it’s just the start. It’s the fuse meant to light the fire. And I don’t wish to be anywhere near this place when that happens. We can continue to communicate, but not in person. There are things I may wish to share with you at some point. This is not yet that time. For now let’s simply hope violence does not break out. That these protests resolve themselves peacefully. Perhaps the colder weather will send them home. That is my hope – but my instincts tell me that will not be the reality down there. Far from it.

I’ll leave you with this…the mayor – Mayor Bloomberg, must now decide whose bidding he will do regarding this situation. Will he comply with the demands of the Obama White House and the labor unions, or the needs of the people of New York? I am confident we are to know the answer to that in short order. To this point, Mayor Bloomberg has been less than adequate – and I say that as one who has long admired him. I very much hope he redeems himself and proves his worth to this city. So watch Bloomberg closely. He is likely to show his true inclination in this matter one way or the other very soon now.

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