Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy Denver: photo essay - Banks Stole My Soul!

Evil Clowns and Radical Ringmasters of the Anti-Capitalist Revolution in Denver
Denver, November 2, 2011 – by El Marco

Community Organizers are waging Astroturf Lawfare in Colorado

What follows is a close look at the leftist lawfare campaign of uncivil agitation as it unfolded in Denver last week. Denver, like other cities that have Occupy manifestations, is faced by a core of protesters from anarchist groups, labor unions, and communist organizations, often obscuring their affiliations, mixed in with a mishmash of confused students, concerned citizen activists, children, and all sorts of evil clowns.

Hello. My name is 99%. This fifteen year old was among a group of seven ranging from age 13 to 18 years young.

We have all heard the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS) described as a grassroots movement. We have been told that it just sprang up after Adbusters, a Canadian left-wing magazine, floated the idea on the internet. The Dominant Liberal Establishment Media (DLEM) has continued repeating this implausible propaganda line since September, despite emerging evidence that OWS has actually been orchestrated by a who’s who list of American radical extremists. It has become clear that Adbusters is just one of a host of leftist organizations, supported by the Tides Foundation and/or George Soros, that have been jointly planning the OWS movement since at least February 2011.

Last week, Occupy Chicago protesters stormed City Hall to let Mayor Rahm Emanuel know their displeasure in the recent arrests of the Occupy campers at Grant Park on Michigan Avenue. They were lead by radical anti-war activists Joe Iosbaker (SEIU) and Andy Thayer, who we have reported on in the past for their ongoing investigations by the FBI. In September of 2010 they were targeted for suspicion of providing material support to Hamas, the F.A.R.C. and other terrorist organizations. Hat Tip: Rebelpundit

Names like Stephen Lerner (SEIU) or Wade Rathke (ACORN founder) are among those exposed as main strategists behind OWS. Stephen Lerner said of OWS events, “It’s a confluence of planned and unplanned demonstrations…. We (radical organizations) build on each other. We go ping-ponging back and forth.”

Also, Dave Swanson, a former communications director for ACORN, said: “we’re planning to model our behavior on the actions that happened earlier this year in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, in Tunisia, and the actions you see in Spain and Greece and countries around the world when governments get even a fraction as bad as ours has gotten.”

Also, AFL-CIO trained anarchist, Lisa Fithian, is the top street-level organizer of the Occupy Wall Street movement. As a longtime community organizer and direct-action agitator, she was a key organizer of the violent demonstrations that caused the shutdown of the 1999 WTO meetings in Seattle. Fithian famously said: “When people ask me, ‘What do you do?’ I say I create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.”

And David Fenton, who has ties to the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers, and Barack Obama, has been shown to be involved in promoting OWS marches. Fenton Communications has created public relations strategies for communist countries. Fenton was the photographer for Bill Ayers’ Weather Underground terrorist organization in the 1970s and served on the board of the Chicago Woods fund with Ayers and Obama, where they doled out 200 million dollars to radical organizations.

OWS is the culmination of a process that surfaced at the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C. in October, 2010. The Democrat Party invited a long list of labor unions and communist organizations to publicly support the Obama administration. I wrote at the time: ”The lines between the Democratic Party, labor unions, socialist and communist organizations, were blurred at the One Nation Working Together rally at the Lincoln Memorial … . Organized by One Nation Working Together, which is headed by the cream of the Democratic National Committee, the rally was a showcase for the most radical elements of the Democrat party base. This movement also has its roots in the 2009 astroturf campaign organized by Obama For America/Organizing for America and labor unions to bully and intimidate the Tea Party movement.

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