Friday, November 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and Financial Crisis Planned by Radicals Since 1965

Anyone who still doubts that the Occupy Wall Street and related demonstrations have not been deliberately crafted for effect might ponder these excerpts from David Horowitz's book "The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party":

Shadow party support for the March 2006 pro-immigration rallies...reflects the usefullness of such spectacles in manipulating mass psychology. Epic grievances and high-profile street actions provide the energy and fuel of progressive movements. They unsettle ordinary citizens...Anxiety is the soil in which radical change takes place. (p.104)

(After the Watts riots in Los Angeles in 1965, Communist revolutionaries Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven confirmed that) destruction could be a creative force...(they) proposed to overload the welfare system and destroy it. (emphasis added) When the Cloward and Piven strategy paper was published in the Nation, it electrified the Left...It would become the play book for Shadow Party radicals working for "regime change." (emphasis added)(p.106)

Activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system. The collapse of the welfare system would ignite a political and financial crisis that would shake the foundations of society. Poor people would rise in revolt. Only then would "the rest of society" accept their demands. (emphasis added)...The strategy would be to overload the welfare system with a flood of new applicants and cause it to go bankrupt...They proposed a "massive drive to recruit the poor ONTO the welfare rolls. Cloward and Piven calculated that persuading even a fraction of the potential welfare recipients to demand their entitlements would bankrupt the entire system. The demands would break the budget and jam the bureaucratic gears into gridlock. (emphasis added). The result would be "a profound financial and political crisis" that would unleash "powerful forces...for major economic reform at the national level." (p.107)

Their article called for "cadres of aggressive organizers" to use demonstrations to create a climate of militancy...Politicians would appeal to the Federal government for help. Carefully orchestrated media campaigns carried out by friendly journalists would promote the idea of "a federal program of income redistribution" in the form of a guaranteed living income for all, working and non-working people alike. Local officials would grab hold of this idea like drowning men reaching for a lifeline. They would apply pressure on Washington to implement the idea. With major cities erupting in chaos like Watts, Washington would have to act...While the Cloward-Piven strategy never achieved its goal of ushering in a Marxist utopia, the Shadow party has adopted (it). (emphasis added)(pp.107-108)

Sound familiar?

The term "Shadow Party" refers to clandestine efforts by multi-billionaire George Soros and his ally Hillary Clinton to control the Democratic party agenda and move it further left. Hillary's role has been to gain such influence over party fundraising that she was considered to be the real power behind the Presidential and Congressional thrones by the mid 2000s.

Despite what you may think about the apparent contradition of Soros backing both Hillary and Obama, who don't appear to get along, Horowitz presents much convincing information about the collusion between Hillary and Soros for mutual benefit. And recall that Obama did appoint Hillary his Secretary of State. If you want to know more you can read the chapter about their relationship in Horowitz's book. It is available online from Amazon for $10 including postage. A real eye-opener.

Most of the last paragraph of quotes has not come to pass...yet...

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