Monday, December 26, 2011

Barack Obama's Pro-Union NLRB Rams Through Ambush Election

After more than five years of left-wing union bosses trying to ram union representation down the throats of America's union-free workforce, and failing, those bosses have now succeeded by using Barack Obama's appointments of union extremists at the National Labor Relations Board to make it happen for them.

LaborUnionReport explains:
... They first tried, through their bought-and-paid-for stooges within the Democratic party, to enact the delusionally-dubbed Employee Free Choice Act. After that scheme failed, they opted for Plan B: Using Obama's appointments of union extremists at the National Labor Relations Board to issue a slew of pro-union decisions and usher in changes that make it easier for unions to pick off job creators and their employees.

On Wednesday, the union attorneys at the NLRB adopted a final rule on their controversial proposal that paves the way for unions to conduct ambush elections on America's union-free workplace. While the rule will not go into effect immediately (it takes effect April 30, 2012), the substance of the rule goes to the stripping of due process from the minority of employers who challenge the validity of a union's petitioned-for voting unit.

As the result of removing an employer's right to object to the petitioned-for unit through a regional NLRB hearing and request for review by the NLRB in Washington, not only does it enable the NLRB to conduct "quickie" elections (in as little as 17 days from petition filing), but it will also likely cause more employers to use the federal courts as a means of redress against a blatantly pro-union NLRB.

As union organizers are legally allowed to manipulate and mislead workers into unionizing, at the heart of the issue is the amount of time union organizers can spend attacking a company in stealth, picking out a small section of the workforce to unionize into "micro-units," and leaving employers virtually no time to counter the misinformation. Currently, most union elections occur within 42 days of petition filing. Under the new rules, they may occur in as little as 17 days.
Read the whole thing. As LaborUnionReport goes on to note, Wednesday's action by Obama's union appointees at the NLRB is just another reminder of how tilted the playing field has become against America's job creators. It's also a reminder of just how important the 2012 election is to to our job creators and every American that values his or her job.

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