Monday, December 12, 2011

NAACP Pushing Race Riots and United Nations Intervention For 2012 Elections?

by Ulsterman on December 6, 2011

The longstanding civil rights organization warns Black and Hispanic voters in America that Republicans will attempt to suppress their right to vote in the 2012 election – and is asking the United Nations to intervene.

In a move that appears to further substantiate earlier warnings from D.C. insiders of an Obama administration intent on pushing the race card to never before seen levels of extremism, the NAACP has launched an all-out attack against what they claim to be “voter suppression” tactics by Republican-majority states. Part of a recent statement from the organization said the following:

The NAACP contends that [America is] in the throes of a consciously conceived and orchestrated move to strip black and other ethnic minority groups of the right to vote. William Barber, a member of the association’s national board, said it was the “most vicious, co-ordinated and sinister attack to narrow participation in our democracy since the early 20th century.

A near-direct reference for the need to support the Barack Obama re-election efforts in 2012 is then given:

This assault—which was launched to affect the 2012 elections, as well as future ones—threatens to undermine the record levels of political participation achieved during the historic 2008 Presidential Election, by suppressing the political participation of people of color, the poor, the elderly, and young voters.

These concerted “block the vote” efforts are a direct response to two important recent developments: (1) the unprecedented levels of political participation by African Americans and other voters of color in the 2008 Presidential Election, and (2) the significant growth of communities of color, as reflected in the 2010 Census.

The specific allegations of voter suppression are directed at rather simple voting legislation passed in a number of states throughout the country. These states are in fact attempting to prohibit voter fraud – a widespread problem during the 2008 elections that include, but was not limited to, false signatures that resulted in Barack Obama possibly being placed illegally on state ballots, as well as the now infamous and widespread Democratic Party supported ACORN voter registration fraud. (The Obama campaign gave nearly a million dollars to ACORN to help the organization “get out the vote” during his 2008 presidential campaign) In almost all cases, these states are now simply asking voters to provide proof of identity.

A report by the UK Guardian said the following regarding the NAACP’s attempts:

The organisation will this week present evidence to the UN high commissioner on human rights of what it contends is a conscious attempt to “block the vote” on the part of state legislatures across the US. Next March the NAACP will send a delegation of legal experts to Geneva to enlist the support of the UN human rights council.

In essence, what the NAACP is hoping to accomplish is to have an international organization attempt to overturn legally legislated state law within the United States – an effort that is certain to not only further foment racial division and anger during the 2012 elections, but potentially further cripple the entire concept of American sovereignty. And what of the implied threat if Barack Obama is defeated in 2012? How quickly will the cries of voter suppression against minorities rise up – followed then by inevitable riots? Do not forget – it was President Obama who so recently called for Blacks to “mobilize” in America to ensure success in 2012 – a tactic so very similar to those used by racist white politicians during the darkest days of Jim Crow.

Only in the Age of Obama folks…

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