Friday, December 23, 2011

Obama threatened, called 'monkey' by ex-Carson council candidate

December 20, 2011

A failed Carson City Council candidate drew the attention of federal law enforcement when he called for the assassination of President Obama, whom he described on Facebook with a racial epithet.

Jules Manson, who ran for office on a Libertarian platform in the Carson race in March, called Obama a "monkey" in an online screed on the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act. The act has raised the ire of activists because it permits indefinite detention without trial for some terrorism suspects.

In a comment on the Facebook post, Manson added: "Assassinate the [president] and his monkey children." He used an obscenity followed by a racial epithet to describe the president. The post had been removed from Manson's Facebook page Tuesday, but the blog Your Black Politics captured and posted a screenshot of it, including the coarse language.
Manson described the comments on his Facebook page as "careless, emotionally driven remarks that had no real substance" and wrote, "Not including my regular friends whom I converse with often or have in the past and always welcome their comments and posts, I do not believe many of you are concerned citizens. Most of you were simply looking for drama to demonstrate your politically correct righteousness."

In another Facebook post, Manson said he had been visited by U.S. Secret Service agents.

Secret Service spokesman George Ogilvie said he could not confirm the visit but said, "We are aware of the incident and are going to conduct appropriate followup."

Manson lost the Carson council race by a wide margin, garnering only 550 votes.

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