Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Perverted Social Engineers Force Dissolution of Girl Scout Troops

By Dave Blount

(Liberal social engineering project Bobby Montoya)

Mission accomplished: not only were liberal social engineers able to transform a little boy into a freak, they even managed to destroy three Girl Scout troops:

Three Girl Scout troops at a Christian school in Louisiana have disbanded in protest of a policy of inclusion for transgenders.

The incident began last month when a mother in Denver tried to get her 7-year-old son [Bobby Montoya] admitted into a local Girl Scout troop. The mother insisted that he lived like a little girl, but the transgendered child was initially not allowed into the troop.

Unhappy with the decision, the mother called a press conference to protest, causing the Colorado chapter to review its decision and emphasize its practice of inclusion.

“Inclusion” means bending over backward to pander to pushy leftists at the expense of normal people.

Troop leaders Northlake Christian School in Lacombe, Louisiana are pulling out of the Girl Scouts in disgust.

Northlake is now looking into aligning with American Heritage Girls, a nonprofit “dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. The organization offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences to its members.”

AHG was formed in 1995, in part over the Girl Scouts’ decision to allow scouts to substitute another word or phrase for “God” in their promise.

Congrats to AHG on being perceptive enough to recognize the thin edge of the wedge. Unfortunately they too will be commandeered by the militant weirdos who demand that all organizations be transformed into grotesque social engineering labs — as will the Boy Scouts. Unless progressives suffer major reverses in the Culture War, only informal, furtive organizations flying under the radar of liberal courts will keep children safe from ideologues who want to replace their mental health and innocence with “inclusiveness.”

On a tip from Dan Feely.

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