Sunday, December 11, 2011

SNL Mocks Al Sharpton And His MSNBC Show

by James Crugnale
December 11th, 2011

SNL’s Keenan Thompson ribbed MSNBC host Al Sharpton with a goofy imitation of the Reverend’s over-the-top persona. “President Obama has been pushing this payroll tax hollaback — excuse me, tax holiday!” Thompson exclaimed. “Which has helping middle class folks up and down America and these Republicans now talking about how it’s bad for this and that and the other. Here’s my question — do these people have rocks in their heads?”

Thompson goofed on Sharpton’s idiosyncratic mannerisms, and jokingly called the Republicans blueberry pie-stealing Nazis. The skit’s coup de grâce came at the end though where Thompson quoted near-verbatim Sharpton’s legendary teleprompter flub . “But resist, we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed.”

Watch Thompson channel the MSNBC host below via NBC:

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