Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Abortion Lobby Uses Obamacare Mandate to Attack Catholics

For those who live their lives under a cloud of moral relativism, right and wrong are often decided based on what makes them feel good or what is popular, not by an unbending set of principles. To such people, long held moral teachings can be confusing, and are often seen as artifacts of a bygone age.

So when organizations like the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute try to explain how Christian values are relevant to modern society they are not exactly on terra firma, and end up insulting the faithful in the process – just like they did this past week.

In a statement that celebrated the Obama administration’s attack on religious liberty, the Guttmacher Institute proclaimed that it’s the “norm” for Catholic women to defy their bishops and religious teaching on contraception, and seem amazed that the Catholic bishops would hold to the teachings of their faith in the face of such defiance. Continue Reading

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