Monday, January 2, 2012

The Fear and Self-loathing of Liberals

Posted on Monday January 02, 02:49:29 GMT-0500 2012 by Crucial

I've often pondered what makes a liberal, a liberal. They tend to do so much damage throughout history and are incredibly difficult to defeat. Figuring out what makes them tick would seem to be priority number one. As I thought about it recently I came to a revelation that others have discovered but never fleshed out to my satisfaction. That revelation is that liberals fear and loathe their own humanity. Liberals loathe their own humanity because well, being human means being naturally flawed or seemingly so. I personally think that if we weren't flawed there wouldn't be any real challenges in life in exceling beyond our limitations.

Liberals apparently can't handle these innate flaws that come with being human and deep down that hurts their pride. They are mortified when they look inward, when they feel racially insecure, or think a sexist thought or feel a need to be greedy. They loathe themselves because of these all too human feelings and because of their shame they feel they must stamp them out and control them in others. They have to feel like they are above their human emotions so they can feel worthy of praise. Liberals fear being judged on their natural feelings.

Liberals don't understand that regardless of the past, that they are no better than their ancestors deep down, that controlling ones negative tendencies gives one character and strength. Ignoring that we are flawed and taking away others' choice to control their own bad behavior leads to a society that lacks self-control and builds resentment and actually encourages bad behavior.

This bad behavior originates because of this lack of self-control and because the aura of "holy purpose" liberals give to their crusades. One need only accuse someone of not being a convert the the liberals' "religion" of political correctness and you risk ostricism in various spheres of life. And so the free-thinking man or woman, where all innovation springs is handcuffed and gagged. Scientific and economic advancement stagnate as a result.

This need to control and regulate, however, leads to a type of totalitarianism that more cynical people would harness to enrich themselves in both wealth and power just for that purpose. Totalitarianism is begun by the well-meaning liberal and then they, being unsophisticated in human nature because they won't look inward, are then manipulated by the more cynical and ambitious among us. This is how freedom ends. I think it's happening now.

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