Monday, February 13, 2012

Failed President to Unveil Job Training Program

Failed President to Unveil “Job Training” Program
Posted by Jammie on Feb 13, 2012 at 7:38 am

Is this guy for real? He’s spent us into oblivion and now he wants billions more to “train” already high-skilled workers? At what point is there an end to these slush funds of his? What was the $900 billion so-called “stimulus” for three years ago? Where has that money gone? Can’t he dip into his Obama stash and find this reported $8 billion somewhere?

President Obama will announce Monday an $8 billion commitment to forge partnerships with community colleges and businesses to train two million high-skilled workers, the White House said.

The President will discuss the program at Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, Va. The plan will provide funding to community colleges and states to partner with businesses to train workers in areas such as health care, transportation and advanced manufacturing.

In his State of the Union address last month, Obama said he wanted businesses and communities to commit to train two million Americans with skills that will lead directly to jobs.
Don’t people already attend college in order to learn these skills?
Speaking of his failed stimulus, that apparently wasn’t enough. We need more for infrastructure?
The White House is releasing the budget request Monday, and it is expected to include billions of dollars in new spending on the nation’s infrastructure, as well as new taxes on the wealthy.
In what’s sure to come as a shock, as soon as he unveils his sure-to-be rejected “budget” he’ll be hitting the road for fundrasiers. Wonderful.

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