Monday, February 13, 2012

Lazy, Good for Nothing Obama-Cronies Caught Red-Handed Burning the Taxpayers


Barack Obama and company pumped a half a billion taxpayer dollars into the failed Solar Panel company, Solyndra. Big-time Obama donors were put on the “we get paid first” list while the taxpayers were basically told to eat dirt.($500 million dollars worth of it) With Solyndra pleading bankruptcy, the remaining assets were ordered to be sold so that past debts can be paid, albeit for pennies on the dollar, if at all. So how can anyone justify the following video, where we see Solyndra employees dumping millions of dollars worth of special glass tubes used in the manufacturing of solar panels into a dumpster?

In that video, courtesy of CBS5 in San Francisco, they filmed Solyndra employees throwing away thousands of these high-tech glass tubes, representing millions of dollars worth of materials that surely could have been sold? According to the CBS5 report it gets even worse:

Solyndra paid at least $2 million for the specialized glass. A CBS 5 crew found one piece lying in the parking lot. Solyndra still owes the German company that made the tubes close to another $8 million.

Neither the Germans nor the U.S. taxpayers can expect any effort on the part of Obama’s Solyndra cronies to pay back what they owe them. This is proven right in that video. CBS5 also blows the lid off the lies and excuses being told to justify this lunacy:

An employee for Heritage Global Partners, the company in charge of selling Solyndra’s assets, told CBS 5 they conducted an exhaustive search for buyers but no one wanted them. But how exhaustive was that search? The tubes were never included on the list of Solyndra assets put up for sale at two auctions last year.If they were, David Lucky told CBS 5 he would have bought them. “We certainly would have bid on them, yes,” Lucky said. Lucky owns several large warehouses near Las Vegas. He buys and then resells manufacturing equipment and components all the time.

Meanwhile President Obama has the audacity to brag about his grand solar panel investments on behalf of the taxpayers, in these Liberal Green energy failures. When asked by Liberal fluff-master and Obama’s favorite softball server,George Stephanopoulos if he regretted his promotion of the bankrupt Solyndra solar panel company, the teleprompter in chief simply stated, “No, I don’t.” $500 million hard-earned tax dollars were thrown in the dumpster with nothing to show for it, and Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t regret it one little bit. Yet today there are still 47% of the uninformed masses in America today saying they want four more years of this. (in the form of Obama’s approval rate) Go figure.

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