Friday, February 10, 2012

U.S. secretly funds Regime-Change in Cuba!–and smuggles in cutting-edge communications equipt!!!

By Humberto Fontova, on February 9, 2012, at 10:54 pm
Raul Castro and Che Guevara availing themselves of state-of-the-art U.S. communications equiptment provided them by CIA operatives in Santiago Cuba, Robert Weicha and Park Wollam (1957-58)

I refer to the tens of thousands of dollars delivered by the CIA's Robert Weicha to the Julio 26 Movement, along with the state of the art communications equipt. that became Radio Rebelde, from where Fidel, Raul and Che broadcast their utterly bogus “guerrilla" victories island-wide, along with their plans to uplift Cuba into a Caribbean Shangri-La inspired by the principles of Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill and Thomas Jefferson.

Furthermore, these CIA operatives working undercover as "U.S. Consuls" in Santiago tried repeatedly to meet with Castro himself to better coordinate their clandestine financial aid. In July 1957 Frank Pais wrote Castro to say that U.S. diplomat (CIA officer Robert Weicha) craved to meet with him. "We do not raise the slightest objection to the U.S. diplomat's visit!" replied an eager Castro. "We can receive any U.S. diplomat here!"

“Me and my staff were all Fidelistas,” Robert Reynolds, CIA’s Caribbean Desk Chief 1957-60)

"Everyone in the CIA and everyone at State were pro-Castro, except ambassador Earl T. Smith. (Robert Weicha, CIA operative in Santiago de Cuba 1957-59)

Robert Hill, then responsible for the US State Department's relations with Congress, told the newly-appointed US Ambassador to Cuba, Earl Smith: "You are assigned to Cuba to preside over the downfall of Batista. The decision has been made that Batista has to go." (Hugh Thomas: p. 165)

So when Cuba "Experts" claim that U.S. officials have a history of plotting with Cuban dissidents to secretly slip money into their palms and plot "regime-change"--THEY'RE RIGHT!

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