Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Democrats’ strategy…revealed! Put more people out of work, and they’ll support our higher-taxes agenda!

March 12, 2012
by Lance Burri

Alternate title: The other 44% wonder why everybody else wants the disabled and elderly to starve to death!

Via Taxprof, “56% Think America Is Overtaxed:”

Most voters still say this country is overtaxed, and half think any federal tax increase should be submitted to the public for a vote.


A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% of Likely U.S. Voters believe America is overtaxed. But that’s down from 66% two years ago and 64% last year. One-out-of-three (33%) now believe the country is not overtaxed, while another 12% are not sure

Oh, crap. How do you explain that? People suddenly have so much money that their taxes just don’t hurt anymore? Or maybe people are making so much less money today, their tax liabilities are far lower.

That sounds much more recession-time plausible.

It’s like the Democrats’ health care strategy: make health care so expensive nobody can afford it, so more people demand government action!

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