Sunday, March 25, 2012

Great News: New Black Panthers to Recruit 10,000 Men to Search for George Zimmerman

Posted by Jammie on Mar 24, 2012 at 9:58 pm


So glad our racial healer-in-chief weighed in on this. Consider the powder keg lit.

The New Black Panther Party came back to Sanford with a vengeance, the shouted “black power” and “Justice for Trayvon,” rallying at the memorial near the scene where Trayvon martin was shot and killed, they didn’t hold back their anger.

“It’s time for us as black men, to take justice in our own hands,” said Mikhail Muhammad of the New Black Panther Party.

The panthers say they plan to recruit 10,000 men to search for George Zimmerman and arrest him.

“We want to search, mobilize, organize for the capture of George Zimmerman and we will bring him to justice,” said Muhammad.

Their message was offensive and violent at times.

“You kill mine, God D***it, I’ve got to kill yours,” said Muhammad.

They cursed and lashed out at Zimmerman, Sanford Police and even the special prosecutor Angela Corey.

“She’s a liar and murderer right along with the rest of them, so we’re not pleased with Angela Corley’s appointment,” Muhammad said.

This won’t end well.

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