Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Wrinkle In Trayvon Martin Killing While Leftwing Nuts Go Crazy

Published by AJStrata at 8:29 am

As I noted yesterday, the tragedy surrounding the death of young Trayvon Martin is about to be eclipsed by left wing political vultures looking for any reason to get in the news. The worst offenders now being the New Black Panther Party, coming out with their tired old racism:
"And in Sanford, Florida, a handful of members from the New Black Panther Party rallied and offered a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman’s “capture.”

“It’s time for us, as black men, to take justice in our own hands. If you won’t give us justice, we will have to take justice,” said Florida organizer Mikhail Muhammad. “An eye for an eye. A life for a life.”

The New Black Panther Party, which the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as a “virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization,”

Yeah, that’s what we need – more vigilantes like George Zimmerman. What we need is to let the authorities work out what happened. Justice is slow, but usually it works.

A lot of news outlets are wrongfully claiming that the anonymous witness stated that Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman. Everything I saw only noted the witness stating that Trayvon was winning the hand-to-hand fighting. I have not seen anything beyond conjecture to bolster this idea that he started the fight.

But in the above referenced article I did read a detail that bolsters the idea that Trayvon had a right to feel threatened by this unknown stalker – in a truck:

Zimmerman said he was driving in his gated community when he saw Martin walking and called 911 to report a suspicious person.

Zimmerman told the dispatcher he was following the boy, but the dispatcher told him that wasn’t necessary. Moments later, several neighbors called 911 to report a commotion outside, and police arrived to find Martin dead of a gunshot wound.


Sanford police said Zimmerman did not indicate a chase, telling them instead that “he had lost sight of Trayvon and was returning to his truck to meet the police officer when he says he was attacked by Trayvon,” the police said in the letter posted by Bonaparte.

Emphasis mine. So initially Zimmerman is following Trayvon in his truck. That is pretty nerve racking as it is, especially alone at night. Could have been gangs, could have been a nut – who knows. That would make me nervous – no doubt.

But then Zimmerman gets out of his truck – with his gun (he does not leave it in the truck). Is his gun drawn? Who knows.

He goes looking for Trayvon – since he indicates ‘he had lost sight of Trayvon”. Clearly Trayvon hid from Zimmerman – tried to stay away. But Zimmerman keeps coming, now on foot. And so Trayvon attacks his stalker – a bad decision, but no worse than Zimmerman’s decision to continue pursuit when police told him to back off. Now it seems evident that Trayvon had clearly tried to be left alone by hiding.

We only have Zimmerman’s word he was jumped by a hidden Trayvon, not that he had cornered and threatened Trayvon into action. But I say it again – if Zimmerman had just stayed in his truck, Trayvon would still be alive.

I still say Zimmerman escalated this into a disaster. I have seen his type before and they love the ego boost of playing sheriff. But he was not trained, and he got into a scuffle with a young kid. Then killed him.

SOURCE: The Strata-Sphere

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