Friday, March 30, 2012

Paid SEIU Protesters Deny Unions Granted ObamaCare Waivers

by Joe Schoffstall


What do SEIU members who show up to the Supreme Court in support of 'Health Care Reform' do when you ask them about Obamacare waivers granted to some unions? Deny it.

We went down to the union protests outside of the Supreme Court to ask SEIU members about the waivers that have been granted to many unions. Their reaction was quite interesting.

Right after interviewing the members, we caught up with Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) who dismantled the previous claims we heard from those who spoke to us.

"I just know there have been many, many unions who have asked for a waiver and who have gotten a waiver from the White House", King said.

It should be noted most union members refuse or cannot appear on camera for interviews. Instead, they direct people to a person who is designated' to speak. The only 'designated' person in the following video is the man with a beard, who was an organizer. Some spoke regardless.


One lady told stated I 'obviously have an agenda.' Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're paid astroturf and caught on camera talking about $20 in little brown envelopes being handed out to participants to show up at the Supreme Court, doesn't that constitute as an 'agenda'?

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