Monday, March 12, 2012

Rasmussen: Both Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum beat Obama in the general election

With the far left, and their lickers in the media in meltdown over this whole “war on women” schtick, you would think Obama is a shoe-in for reelection this November. The media likes to tell us how badly the GOP is doing with women after the whole Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke controversy. And if you listen to the Obama lickers in the lame stream media, you would also think that this GOP campaign has damaged the candidates so much, that Obama will crush them. Eh, too bad for them. The latest Rasmussen poll shows not only Mitt Romney beating the Marxist Obama, but also Rick Santorum. You know, the same Rick Santorum who’s been portrayed as “crazy” by Obama’s media?

Romney’s support among Republican voters has moved up to 83%, just about matching the president’s 84% support among Democrats. However, only six percent (6%) of GOP voters would vote for Obama if Romney is the nominee. Twice as many Democrats (12%) would cross party lines to vote for Romney. The former governor of Massachusetts also has an eight-point advantage among unaffiliated voters.

If Rick Santorum is the Republican nominee, he is up by one point over the president, 45% to 44%. He receives 77% support from Republican voters and is up three among unaffiliateds. Santorum and Romney are the only Republican candidates to lead the president more than one time in the polls.

SOURCE: FireAndreaMitchell

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