Monday, March 12, 2012

Socialist Circle of Influence

By Erin Haust on Mar 11, 2012

As if we needed more evidence that President Obama’s young adulthood was riddled with radical influence, another video has surfaced courtesy of that depicts then Harvard Law student Barry Obama praising and embracing Professor Derrick Bell.

In the days following the release of the video the blogosphere erupted with background checks, additional video and reaction to Professor Bell’s lifelong work, Critical Race Theory.

While media pundits and political junkies pour over what CRT is and how it affects race relations in America, one young man took a slightly different reactionary approach.

Justen Charters created this video after stumbling upon signifcant evidence tying Obama’s beloved professor and mentor, Derrick Bell, to the president’s long list of criminals, socialists and anti-Christian relationships from his past AND present.

Professor Bell seems to have been intimately connected with many of the same usual suspects in the progressive and socialist movements.

As the video points out, Professor Bell was a frequent sponsor of the socialist publication New Politics, as was cofounder of the Cloward and Piven strategy for creating national socialism in America, Francis Fox Piven. New Politics was founded by members of the Independent Socialist League.

** A photograph of Francis Fox Piven standing behind President Bill Clinton at a Bill Signing Ceremony can be seen here: American Thinker

Professor Bell’s connections don’t end in merely sponsoring a socialist publication. He was also co-contributor to the book What Brown Vs. the Board of Education Should Have Said with current Regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein. Sunstein’s more notable publication is Nudge, which argues that the government knows best and has a responsibility to “nudge” citizens into making good choices through laws and regulation. Bell spent a large portion of his career rendering opinion regarding Brown v Education which ended in a unanimous Supreme Court decision prohibiting segregation in schools.

Professor Bell is quoted as saying he lived his life to “harass white people.” Putting his words to action, he co-contributed to many books that supported his theory of “permanent racism,” which purports that racism is inherent in white people and will never be eradicated. One such publication is called Race, Gender and Sexuality, which was primarily authored by Black Panther Party for Self Defense co-founder Huey P. Newton. See images of Newton here:

The revelations in this short video outline the radical and socialist traits of Professor Bell. More importantly, it contributes to growing evidence that this pattern of traits were not only appealing to President Obama in his early adulthood, but that he still carries similar beliefs with him today.


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