Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Successful Desensitization of American Voters

By R. Mitchell on Mar 20, 2012


Of course no good-hearted American wants socialism or communism, but after more than 90 years of progressive desensitization, it’s becoming much more acceptable.

In September of 1919, the Communist Party of the United States (CPUS) was formed as a counter to the Socialist Party of America (SPA). CPUS differed with SPA on one critical issue – the strategy to use to rid the United States of capitalism. While SPA wanted to see organized, militaristic direct action (bombings, armed insurretion, violence against those who disagreed with them), the CPUS wanted to focus on electoral politics – a strategy still used today by America’s Big-Labor unions.

For almost a century, a socialist influence has moved slowly and patiently to bring the last best hope for true economic and social freedom to a cataclysmic end. The tools of class warfare, social justice and false equality have been used to slowly de-sensitize the American populace so that socialistic ideas could take hold and win in election years. With statements like “taking care of our seniors”, “healthcare for all”, “protecting the working poor”, “defending the middle-class”, “making the rich pay their fair share” and more are intended trade the notion of self-reliance and liberty for one of government entitlement and security. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”

Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of the United States was a call to arms for Socialism as Benjamin Gitlow, arrested as a communist revolutionary in 1919, attested at his trial in 1920:

The socialists have always maintained that the change from capitalism to socialism would be a fundamental change, that is, we would have a complete reorganization of society, that this change would not be a question of reform; that the capitalist system of society would be completely changed and that that system would give way to a new system of society based on a new code of laws, based on a new code of ethics, and based on a new form of government.

The government has gone so far as to first take over an American company (GM), then hand ownership to the Union after stripping investors of their rightful stake.

Both GE and GM have been heavily pressured by the government to do its bidding – even to the detriment to each business

The blackmailing of Boeing by the NLRB as favor to the labor unions

Health Care Reform will be the death of the Health Care industry the way we know it – before long, only the government will be left

A late Friday executive order by Barack Obama allowing the government more control over the centralized manufacturing and distribution of goods (see: definition of socialism)

Nothing scary here right?

So while not technically socialism by Merriam-Webster’s definition, Crony Socialism or Socialism-light at a minimum is running rampant in our government – how long until the next step is taken?

Just 10 years ago, did anyone believe that the government would have taken over a public company, raided Gibson guitars without cause, given the President the power to direct manufacturing and output, told an aircraft company where it may or may not build a factory, forced terrible health insurance down American’s throats, subsidized something so awful as the Chevy Volt or turned California farms into desert to save an inedible fish?

But the lights aren’t flashing, buzzers aren’t sounding yet are they?

A recently publicized video of Attorney General Eric Holder stating that the leftists must brainwash American’s against gun ownership is a testament to the strategy of the progressive socialists. Fast and Furious was but one attempt to make the gun industry into a distasteful and hated villain – even though it was the government itself being the terrorist, criminal and facilitator of murder.

Yet, the outcry is minimal. The alarm is only sounding in the deepest corners of the Pro-American right. Even Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has rejected the idea that socialism can be used to describe Barack Obama. Why not call it a 21st century brand of crony-socialism and go after the current administration? Perhaps because of the backlash from the American voters. They have already been numbed to the idea and that the actions of the administration are against the basic fabric that created the greatest nation on Earth. Voters have been so de-sensitized to these activities that they no longer see them as reprehensible, wrong and detrimental to their way of life.

American voters are railing against those who would toe the line against socialism. Falling in-line with the talking points of the left, a large portion of the electorate does not believe that those in Congress should be reversing the growth of government by budgetary restriction. So many now owe a portion of their subsistence to the government or soon will that they have no choice but to bend to the will of the ever more powerful central government – exactly what the founders wanted to prevent and of which de Toqueville warned.

While professing “give-and-take”, liberals aren’t actually giving anything. The right is asking for budget cuts and the left has not been able to even hold the deficit steady while in control of congress. The Democrat-controlled Senate hasn’t offered a budget in the entirety of Obama’s term and the President has not yet demanded one. Despite concerns from the Congressional Budget Office, Americans are not demanding reforms to government spending to prevent America from falling into the same debt trap that has the European Union teetering on the brink of economic collapse.

And again – no sirens, no media outcry, and the size of anti-big government rallies is dwindling. Americans are slowly accepting a long-term, dire fate in trade for self-serving gifts from the public treasury.

Nothing to see here folks, please move along.

Rich Mitchell is the Sr, Managing Editor of and a Conservative political

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