Sunday, April 29, 2012

The anti-bullying movement is just another way to get "gay rights" activism into our schools

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Noted homosexual activist Dan Savage recently berated a roomful of Christian students under the auspices of an "anti-bullying" program.

As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant "pansy asses."

Well sure, if anyone knows "pansy asses," it's Dan Savage. He's undoubtedly buggered enough of them.

Mr. Savage is of course the uber-tolerant Friend of Obama who made it his mission in life to slander Rick Santorum.

Which begs the question, If it gets better, why is Dan Savage so bitter?

Thus leading Stacy McCain to ask 3 salient questions:

Isn't it time to admit that the "anti-bullying" movement is just another way to get gay-rights activism into public schools?

Yes. But it's not like they needed another avenue.

Can we also now admit that, insofar as the public education system is pro-gay, it must also be anti-Christian?

Yes. The State is the only religion admissable in our public schools.

Why aren't you home-schooling yet?

Or why aren't you sending your child to Catholic School. Catholic Schools are the last bastion against "gay rights," at least until Obama shuts them all down with his contraceptive mandate. For now we do what we can to advance Christian morality.

More from Stacy on the anti-bullying silliness:

The current "anti-bullying" crusade is another one of those Ideas So Stupid Only Public School Teachers Could Think It Was Smart. Having gone to school in the 1960s and '70s, I was a guinea pig in more than one of those "innovative" educational experiments, including an early attempt at a "gifted" program.

You know what any smart kid eventually figures out? Most of his teachers aren't very smart. Putting an obviously mediocre teacher in charge of a "gifted" program? That's really stupid.

Been There, Done That. Even further, allow me to relate the story of a young lady of my acquaintance. The daughter of a former neighbor, she tested off the charts from an early age, and was writing for publication by age 14. She entered a scholarship contest for an early admission to college and won, giving her the opportunity to skip 11th and 12th grade and attend college at the age of 16 for free.

The school district tried its damnedest to dissuade her. Why? Because by leaving high school she'd be a "drop out," and thus negatively impact their precious stats.

They didn't succeed. And now she's in graduate school, kicking ass and taking names. (Ironically she and her parents are flaming lefties but that didn't matter to the teachers union sycophants.)

Who's the bully? And thus I draw the same conclusion Stacy does:

While I am not unsympathetic to victims of bullying, most kids either have the inner resourcefulness to figure out how to deal with it, or else they are hopeless losers anyway.

Kids are smarter than the educrats give them credit for. The only reason we have things like zero tolerance policies is to absolve education "professionals" from having to think.

And more importantly it allows them to completely ignore aggressive homosexual bullying because in their estimation it's for some greater good. Dan Savage can lambaste Christianity with impunity. Indeed homosexuals are able to depredate pretty much anyone so long as they can hide behind the fig leaf of "anti-gay bias."

But my blog is of course beyond the pale.

So here's a good one. Some homosexual took the time to sign me up for just about every pro-gay propaganda newsletter and email service there is. Because his life is otherwise empty, I guess. Anyhow, Gmail filters are my friend, and the snail mail stuff makes great kindling. Yes, I burn homosexual junk mail in my fireplace! Get it? Homosexuals and flames? Sometimes I crack myself up.

These guys, they're mentally deranged. The Catholic Bandita agrees.

I will be so grateful when same-sex attraction is again recognized by the psychiatric community as a mental disorder so that these folks can get the help they need. What miserable, hateful people these "gay rights" activists are.

We say "love the sinner." And they hate us for that.

Posted at 22:56 by Chris Wysocki @

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