Monday, April 30, 2012

Barack Obama, Master of Lies

By Jay Clarke


You know the feeling all too well.

You want to trust. You want to believe. After all, he is the President.

But you sense deception. Dishonesty. A dark and malicious, hidden agenda.

As your stomach tightens and your pulse begins to race an overwhelming desire to fight, flee or vomit begins to sweep over you—adrenaline surging. Intense anger and deep disgust invade your soul. It’s happening again.

Barack Obama is speaking. And you’re being lied to.

All across America, this scenario is repeated every day as Americans listen to their president on radio, TV or over the internet. There’s no argument. No discussion. No opinion polls necessary. Americans know that Barack Obama is a prolific and, some say, pathological liar. A say-anything-do-anything-to-get-what-he-wants kind of guy.

All politicians are accused of lying. While some obviously do lie, others are guilty of the art of “spin.” Everyone spins. Especially parents. “Eat your broccoli sweetheart it’s good and good for you. It’ll make you big and strong. Plus, you can have ice cream later.”

Spin is supremely annoying. But it’s not necessarily lying.

Most Americans would agree that politicians should be forgiven for lies that protect national security or sensitive military and intelligence operations. It goes with the territory. It’s common sense. We don’t tell the enemy our plans and we don’t jeopardize the lives of our military and intelligence personnel.

But a constant, repeated pattern of self-serving lies, deception and manipulation for personal and political gain is a different story. It’s one thing for a red-faced politician to lie about personal failings, whether it’s a naked “tweets” scandal or a stained blue dress. It’s quite another thing to lie to the American people as a matter of course, as a way to govern and as a way to legislate. It undermines and destroys the social compact that we have with our elected officials. Americans want honest politicians. Honesty breeds trust. And no relationship can survive long without it, be it parent/child, husband/wife, friend/friend, employer/employee or President of the United States/the American People.

Barack Obama lies so often and with such disturbing ease that multiple books have been written detailing his falsehoods and comfort with the untrue. Obama’s lies cover virtually every aspect of his presidency and personal life. His connections to numerous anti-American radicals like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright. Obamacare. The unemployment rate. America’s “oil reserve.” The Debt Limit debate. The Keystone Pipeline. The fake issue of contraception. The list goes on and on and on. Obama’s dishonesty is so well known, so frequent and habitual that it, along with his famed arrogance, have become the defining traits of the 44th President of the United States.

Reagan was The Great Communicator. Bush Sr. pledged “Read my lips.” Bill Clinton? See Monica Lewinsky. George W. Bush is forever linked to September 11, 2001. How will history remember Barack Obama?

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