Friday, April 13, 2012

Biden: ‘War on Women’ is Real, Will Intensify

Apr 12, 2012 9:38pm
By Devin Dwyer
ABC News.Com

Vice President Joe Biden said tonight that what he called a Republican-led effort to rollback the rights of women is “real” and will “intensify.”

“I think the ‘war on women’ is real,” Biden told MSNBC’s “The Ed Show,” deploying the politically-charged phrase for the first time on the national stage.

“And look, I’ll tell you when it’s going to intensify – the next president of the United States is going to get to name one, possibly two or more, members to the Supreme Court,” he added.

Asked about Hilary Rosen’s controversial comments on Ann Romney, Biden said the Democratic strategist made an “outrageous assertion.”

“Look, I have fought my whole career – I’m no hero, I don’t want to make it like… — whether it’s the Violence Against Women Act or equal pay. My entire career as a senator and the vice president is to get to one point: when my daughter is able to make whatever choice she wants and no one question it,” he said.

“If my daughter wants to be able to say, ‘I’m staying home and raising my kids,’ no one should question that.”

As for the Romney Campaign’s claims that women have been disproportionally harmed under the Obama administration — with 92% of job losses being women — Biden dismissed it as bluster.

“Know what that reminds me of?” Biden said. “Who caused these jobs to be lost – all of them, men and women?” he said, referring to the economic crisis that took hold under Obama’s predecessor, former President George W. Bush.

Biden’s comments came on the heels of a campaign stop in Exeter, N.H., earlier Thursday, when he slammed likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney, amid an intensifying debate between Republicans and Democrats over who is more attuned to the needs of women voters.

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