Sunday, April 8, 2012

Black Male Guns Down “White Hispanic” With Mental Capacity of 12-Year-Old, National Media Curiously Disinterested

Posted by Jammie on Apr 07, 2012 at 8:26 pm

Taco Bell Shooting Victim was Holding Leash, Not Weapon:

If you were looking for a mirror image of the Trayvon Martin incident, here you go. This happened a few days ago, but oddly enough the national media hasn’t made it into a big story. I wonder why?

Police are saying more about a shooting at a Taco Bell Tuesday night in which one man died.

They’re also identifying the victim as 29-year-old Daniel Adkins.

About 7:30 p.m., a 22-year-old man and his girlfriend ordered food at the Taco Bell drive-thru and were told to pull up while their order was prepared.

At the same time, Adkins stepped around a corner into the path of the vehicle and angry words were exchanged between he and the driver.

They got into an altercation and Adkins was shot once by the driver. He died at the scene.

The driver, a 22-year-old black male, called police but has not been arrested.

At first, the couple claimed that Adkins had a metal pipe that he swung at them — but it turns out he was holding a dog leash with his yellow lab on the other end.

Family members want that driver arrested, but he’s claiming self-defense.

“He needs to be behind bars. I’ll never see my brother again,” says sister Marina Reyes. “If he felt that my brother was threatening him, he could have easily just rolled up the window and called the cops.”

In this case the shooter’s name hasn’t been released, so at least he’s spared from Spike Lee tweeting his address. But why don’t we know his name?

Like Florida, Arizona has a stand your ground law but nobody seems interested in any comparisons.

Can you imagine the furor if a “white hispanic” gunned down a black man with the mental capacity of a 12-year-old in a state governed by Jan Brewer? Heck, Obama would take up residence for a month if he thought it could win some votes, the Justice Department would be crawling through the state and the media that has mangled the Trayvon Martin story would gladly skip town from Sanford for the latest outrageously outrageous outrage.

Instead, we haven’t seen a single story on the national news about this story. Why is that? Where is the 911 call that NBC can manipulate to gin up the racial outage?

More from the family.

The dog, Lady, stayed by Adkins’ side until the Humane Society came. Adkins lived with his mom and dad. He’s 29, but his family says he’s mentally disabled and has the mental capacity of a 12-year-old. He didn’t drive, and walked wherever he went.

“This person is still on the loose and I don’t agree with that. So he’s saying self defense, then where’s the weapon? Where’s the pipe? They didn’t find anything on my brother,” says Reyes. “He was just too aggressive, you don’t need to go that far.”

The shooter’s name has not been released. The investigation is still ongoing.


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