Thursday, April 12, 2012

David Axelrod Dispatched For 'War On Women' Damage Control

by Dana Loesch

Hilary Rosen destroyed the Democrats' manufactured "War On Women" in just one night. After attacking Ann Romney for being a homemaker on television and insinuating that her choice to stay home limits her intellectual capacity for understanding economics, a torrent of backlash hit Rosen via Twitter. The heat was such that David Axelrod was trotted out to throw Rosen under the bus. So much for her live audition for the campaign.

Is Axelrod also disappointed with Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

This, coupled with the revelation that the Obama admin itself suffers from the feminist-sin of pay inequality, and the Democrats carefully orchestrated war has collapsed.

That Rosen is on point with the DNC chair is no coincidence; Rosen is partner at the same firm, SKDKnickerbocker, run by former Obama Communications Director Anita Dunn. Coincidentally, Sandra Fluke is also a client. Their speciality seems to be "War On Women."

*UPDATE: Obama campaign manager Jim Messina also throws Rosen under the bus. Mega damage control.

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