Wednesday, April 18, 2012

House blocks EPA from banning lead in ammunition

The House on Tuesday passed legislation giving hunters and fishing enthusiasts access to certain public lands to pursue their sport and also blocked the Environmental Protection Agency from banning lead for use in ammunition and fishing tackle.

The Sportsmen’s Heritage Act passed on a mostly party line vote of 274 yeas and 146 nays.

Republicans argued that the ability of sportsmen and women to fish and shoot on public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Forest Service is being threatened by the Obama administration and environmentalists through bureaucratic regulations.

Republicans also said that banning lead bullets and tackle would cause economic harm to the recreation industry and kill jobs.

“It would be a massive power grab by the EPA without a clear lack of legal authority, but has that ever stopped the EPA under this administration? Sadly, it hasn’t,” said Rep. Doc Hastings (R–Wash.) chairman of the House Resources Committee.


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