Friday, April 20, 2012

Investigate Nugent But Not Farrakhan?

Gun Rights: The Secret Service wants to talk to an iconic rocker about metaphorical references to a movie while the administration ignores genuine threats of violence.

When Ted Nugent addressed the annual convention of the National Rifle Association, he used words no more strident than when, at a June 2008 Philadelphia fundraiser, candidate Barack Obama told of how he would respond to Republican attacks. "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," said the former community organizer familiar with the street gangs of Chicago.

Attempting to rally fellow NRA members already agitated by the administration's push for gun control and its disregard for life and law in Operation Fast and Furious, Nugent told fellow Second Amendment devotees that "we are patriots, we are 'Braveheart.'" He also said, "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November."

We need to remind the administration and the Secret Service that "Braveheart" is only a movie and that Nugent is no more likely to ride a horse down Pennsylvania Avenue wielding a medieval battle-ax than Obama was to bring a handgun to the first presidential debate.

Nugent agreed to talk to the Secret Service about his remarks, some of which are crude but still no worse than those being uttered in living rooms across America. "Our president and attorney general, our vice president, Hillary Clinton — they're criminals," Nugent said, an opinion we thought was protected by the First Amendment.

"If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," Nugent said.

He was talking about his fate, not the president's.

Still, the likes of Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz, eager to associate such remarks with probable Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, said: "If the GOP and Romney are willing to accept this kind of rhetoric at this stage of the campaign, I can't imagine what they'll accept in September and October."

Team Obama is eager to distract the American people from the economic stagnation, job loss and sheer incompetence of this administration. Let's talk about Nugent, not Solyndra, the Chevy Volt, the soon-to-be $16 trillion debt ($5 trillion of which is Obama's), Fast and Furious or even Hilary Rosen.

Meanwhile, an administration that let the New Black Panthers avoid criminal charges for wielding a billy club outside a Philadelphia polling place in 2008 and that ignored the bounty placed by the Panthers on the head of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin shooting is concerned about Nugent.

Did anyone in the liberal universe or administration take note when Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said at Lemoyne-Owen College in Memphis, Tenn., Saturday that "people tomorrow, maybe in a few days, are gonna kill their leaders who've been selling them out"?

Farrakhan added: "That's why we're in this shape that we're in right now, because we had corrupt people, or people that started off good and got corrupt."

We're not sure if calling people criminals is worse than calling them corrupt, but Ted Nugent didn't say any leaders would die as a result. Farrakhan did in a statement that no one in the so-called mainstream media obsessed over or that anyone in the administration wanted to talk to him about.

Speaking of opposition by the Tea Party and others to Obama administration policies, union leader Jimmy Hoffa Jr. said "let's take those SOBs out," except he didn't abbreviate "SOB." But no one in the liberal universe called that a threat, despite volumes of documented union violence.

They're too busy blaming Sarah Palin for the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords or Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City bombing. The last thing they want to talk about is how they are busily fundamentally transforming President Ronald Reagan's "shining city on a hill" into a Third World socialist slum.


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