Thursday, April 5, 2012

Jennifer Granholm makes up a story – you know, like progressives always do

by BigFurHat - April 4, 2012


They tell it like it is at the beauty shop or barbershop.

I went for a haircut on Saturday. My hairdresser Carmelita and I got to talking about health care and the decision now in the hands of the Supreme Court.

Do you have health insurance?” I asked.

“No,” she said softly.

“Why not?”

“Are you kidding? It’s just too expensive. No way can I afford it.”

“Would you buy it if you could?”

“Of course!” she said, her brow furrowed at the idiocy of the question. “I’m still paying off a $3,000 health care bill from last year when I had walking pneumonia and finally went to see the doctor. They ordered an X-ray of my chest, and my life hasn’t been the same since, trying to pay that medical bill. Of course, I’d have health insurance if I could afford it! Anybody would.”

And then she said something that turned the “individual health care mandate” opponents’ argument on its head: “I’m already forced to buy health care – but it’s in the emergency room. It’s almost bankrupting me. Do these guys think that’s my choice?”

A “health care mandate,” it seems, is in the eye of the beholder.

Carmelita has been mandated into the uninsured health care market, banished from “normal” care by a wholly unaffordable insurance system. She doesn’t have insurance, but believe me, she’s participating in commerce. She was forced, mandated to purchase emergency care or choose to risk her life.

Read more:


Enough of this complete horseshit.

If Carmelita can’t afford healthcare now how is she going to afford it when she’s MANDATED to buy it?
The ACA has not demonstrated any significant lowering of costs, in fact, many studies show it’s going to be MORE expensive. So how does that help Carmelita?

It doesn’t. Unless, of course, the costs will be means tested, which means significant wealth transfer from upper middle class people to lower middle class people, making the current upper middle class the federal pinata once again.

This is a wealth transfer scheme from the git-go, a power grab and another step towards having to answer to bureaucrats when you want to wipe your ass.

And from the looks of Granholm’s hair, Carnelita is not going to make much more money in the future.

So, don’t worry about giving up your iPhone, Carmelita, or any other luxury that you WANT in lieu of purchasing health care. We’ll all do it for you.

Source: IOTW

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