Sunday, April 15, 2012

Letter: Ginned-up case against Zimmerman fits nicely into media mentality

Letter: Ginned-up case against Zimmerman fits nicely into media mentality

I do not condone the willful killing of anyone except under dire threat. That said, the (mostly liberal) media have done their collective utmost to convict George Zimmerman, guilty or not.

Oops. NBC News apologizes for an "unnamed employee" who edited the 911 call, further criminalizing Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

Oops, again. ABC News admits "manipulating" the police arrest video, to blur injuries consistent with Zimmerman's story of being beaten by Martin.

Another oops. CNN retracts the charge that Zimmerman used a racial slur after reporter Gary Tuchman revisits the audio in a "different studio."

In my opinion, old childhood photos of Trayvon were used to gin up emotions, while all things negative were purposely buried. Could it be that the national press was eager to clasp hands with those racial opportunists, the Revs. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, as well as dangerous gadflies Spike Lee, Roseanne Barr and The "New" Black Panther Party?

Objective reportage has gone down the rabbit hole, just as it did when the "rush-to-judgment" crowd put a full-court press on the Duke lacrosse team.

Once again, the template was ready made for pandering politicians, race-baiters and a callow media armed with plenty of matches and cans of gasoline.

SOURCE: © 2012 TCPalm. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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