Saturday, April 14, 2012

Nazis Get Their Own Lobbyist

April 13, 2012
Robert Schlesinger
U.S. News and World Report

So Rep. Allen West thinks the Democratic Party is full of communists? Wait until he gets a load of the new Nazi lobbyist. No, seriously.

On Tuesday, the same day that West was fantasizing about 80 members of Congress being card-carrying members of the Communist Party, the actual American Nazi Party was making its move onto the Hill. One John Bowles registered with the Clerk of the House that day as a lobbyist for for the white supremacist group (hat tip LegiStorm). Bowles was the National Socialist Movement's presidential nominee in 2008.

What could the Nazis want to lobby the Congress about? "Political Rights and ballot access laws," according to the registration form, which also lists lists accounting, agriculture, clean air and water, civil rights, health issues, the Constitution, immigration, manufacturing, and retirement as "general lobbying issue areas." Who knew the Nazis had strong views on agriculture?

Bowles seemed genuinely puzzled when I asked him whether he really thinks that any members of Congress or Hill staffers would take a meeting with a Nazi lobbyist. "I don't see why not," he says, adding that he knows lobbyists rely on their credibility. "Of course I won't approach anybody in Congress unless it's a very interesting issue or law," he promises. "I'm going to be very careful about the issues I choose for this."

He might also be careful about the members he approaches. For example I'd avoid Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joe Lieberman, and Chuck Schumer. Oh yeah, and Allen West too.

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