Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Obama declares diabetes is a disability – brags about nominating Sonia Sotomayor as only SCOTUS justice with ‘disability’

And here I thought Sonia Sotomayor’s only qualification to be nominated as a justice to the U.S. Supreme Court was the fact she was a radical left wing activist, and was a “wise-Latina.” According to the The Blaze, Obama is now touting the fact that he was the first to nominate the first justice with a ‘disability’ of diabetes. Who knew diabetes was a disability? You see, this is why progressives are just so much smarter then us hillbilly conservatives.

The news of Sotomayor’s “disability” comes as the White House has released a graphic detailing their work in promoting the cause of minority empowerment, which lists the confirmation of a “disabled Justice” as a major accomplishment.

Posted on April 9, 2012
SOURCE: FireAndreaMitchell.Com

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