Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Obama Legacy: Tax Refunds Being Used to Pay for Bankruptcy Filings

by Tammy Bruce
April 13, 2012

Horrible. Barack Obama is destroying this country and people’s lives. There is no second chance–either we get it right on November 6th, or it’s all over. From CNBC, HT to HotAirPundit.

Some Americans spend their tax refunds on high-tech gadgets and long-awaited vacations. Others use the cash to file for bankruptcy protection.

More than 200,000 money-strapped households will use their tax refunds this year to pay for bankruptcy filing and legal fees, says a new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

The NBER research confirms what bankruptcy lawyers have long known: At the first part of the year, when Americans receive their tax refunds, there almost always is a spike in personal bankruptcy filings.

But that has been especially true since the cost of bankruptcy soared after U.S. bankruptcy laws changed in 2005. And many more families have been forced to delay filing until they can afford to pay the fees, the NBER study says.

While Americans are filing their taxes and going bankrupt, what has the Obama Regime been spending your tax dollars on?

Breitbart: Obama Sends $147 Million to Hamas-Run Gaza

Canada Free Press: Muslim Brotherhood’s $1.5 billion Holy Week Windfall

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