Monday, April 16, 2012

Official Palestinian Authority daily: Parents should teach children that it's their destiny to destroy Israel

Teaching children to hate and kill

"Palestinian" "moderates" Instilling genocidal dreams from early youth: "PA cartoons: Teach children to seek world without Israel," by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik for Palestinian Media Watch, April 15:
Palestinian parents should teach their children that it is their role or destiny to destroy Israel, according to a cartoon in the official PA daily.

Text in book: "Palestine"
Mother's words: "This is your bride...
When you grow up you will know the dowry."
In the cartoon, a mother is showing her son a book with a map that includes all of Israel and the PA areas. The text in the book defines the map as "Palestine."

The mother tells her son:
"This is your bride... when you grow up you will know the dowry."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
March 31, 2012]

The message of the PA daily is that parents either are educating their children or should be educating their children to see their obligation to replace all of Israel with a state of "Palestine." The dowry - the cost of liberating Palestine - is yet to be learned.

Last week, Palestinian Media Watch reported that the Minister of Social Affairs, Majida Al-Masri, said in a speech that Palestinian unity is needed in order achieve "the liberation of Palestine - all of Palestine," meaning Israel's destruction....

Read it all.

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