Friday, April 13, 2012

Outraged Media Matters Demands Democrats Return Hilary Rosen’s Massive Campaign Contributions

Posted by Jammie
Apr 12, 2012 at 10:20 pm

Does CNN know their on-air talent is contributing heavily to the Democratic Party? Shouldn’t there be some sort of disclosure when these folks come on air that they’re being paid by the DNC while also contributing to them? This cretinous Hilary Rosen, partners in a firm with former White House flunky Anita Dunn that is being rewarded handsomely by the DNC, also happens to be doling out large sums to –- wait for it — the Democratic Party!

Why there’s a nice $1000 contribution to the DCCC. Sweet. And hey, look over there, there $2500 to Kirsten Gillibrand last month as well. Gillibrand, oddly enough, is one of the few Democrats to not throw Rosen under the bus today. But still, she’s nowhere to be found.

Which reminds us, every time a conservative steps in it, be it on TV or radio, the stormtroopers from Media Matters, along with their partners from the White House and DNC, leap into feigned outrage and begin their tiresome boycotts.

Where are the Soros flying monkeys today? Not a peep about this assault on stay at home mothers and Ann Romney. An off-color remark about a DNC plant whining about contraception costs and there’s weeks of national headlines. The biggest story in America this day? Meh.

It’s been incredibly amusing watching Democrats distance themselves today, pretending they hardly have anything to do with each other. Funny, considering Rosen has contributed at least $189,000 to them. Not to mention another $157,000 to special interests. Oh, she did toss a couple of bucks to a few Republicans over the years. Last one? Mark Foley.

I highly doubt she found any conservative causes special or interesting. Heck, Rosen is listed No. 27 in the contributor power rankings. She’s the upper crust elite, the, ahem, 1%. Yet, she somehow manages to find her way into the White House 35 times to visit our heroic middle class warrior.

This woman has been lavishing money on Democrats going back to the 1980s. Don’t buy the nonsense they’re not joined at the hip. Her PR firm has an “In the News” section, and she and Dunn and featured many times.

Oddly enough today, like at Media Matters, she didn’t make the news.

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