Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pink slime media spreads false story of armed Neo-Nazis patrolling Sanford, Florida

You would think the pink slime media and other progressive liberal filth would be big fans of the Neo Nazi party. The Nazis are SOCIALISTS just like they are. They try and portray them as some far right group, when in fact Neo Nazis are very much aligned with today’s American Democrat party. Regardless, the media started spreading a false story today about armed Neo Nazis “patrolling” Sanford, Florida in anticipation of trouble if George Zimmerman is not charged in the killing of Trayvon Martin. William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection contacted the Sanford Police and they deny any indication of neo-Nazi patrols. Nice try media hacks, but you’re full of sh*t AGAIN. Expect more of crap like this from the pink slime media as we get closer to the November elections. Below is a copy of Jacobson’s e-mail exchange with the Sanford Police. While the pink slime media has time to invent faux stories like this, they don’t seem interested in the story about a black mob in Baltimore beating up a white tourist, then stripping him of his clothes and stealing his belonging.

Did anyone bother to contact the Sanford Police? I did, and the Sanford Police deny any indication of Neo-Nazi groups patrolling in Sanford. Here’s the e-mail exchange:

My initial e-mail (which included an embedded link to the Memeorandum thread):

“There are a number of reports in the media that Neo-Nazis are conducting armed patrols in Sanford. Can you confirm or deny whether this is true, and provide any information you have on the subject? If someone is able to get back to me as soon as possible (and before Monday) that would be appreciated, since such rumors are spreading.”

Response from Sanford Joint Information Center:

“At this time the City of Sanford has not confirmed the presence of Neo-Nazis groups.”

My follow up:

“You say “not confirmed.” Is there any indication of such patrols that the Department is aware of?”

Further Response from Sanford Joint Information Center:

“We have no indication of any such patrols at this point in Sanford. The only large gathering was the children and their parents at the Easter egg hunt.”


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