Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Second video of black mob in Baltimore shows victim being kicked and punched, then stripped of his clothes. (Video)

A new video of the could be Obama’s sons has surfaced. The video of a black mob beating, robbing, and stripping a white tourist in Baltimore who happens to be from Virginia. Of course, why anyone would want to be in Baltimore as a tourist (or Maryland for that matter) is anyone’s guess. The new video shows the black mob kicking and punching the evil white tourist after they knocked his head to the ground and began stealing his stuff. They also proceeded to strip him of his clothes as they kicked and punched the evil white man. While this black mob attack has been reported on some local news like CBS Baltimore, it still is absent from the national media. Unless you read conservative blogs, or read Baltimore media sites, you wouldn’t even know this attack happened. Evil whitey had a $1,300 watch stolen, a $500 iPhone and an Audi car key worth $300.

Obama should be proud. These could be his sons after all.

SOURCE: FireAndreaMitchell.Com

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