Monday, April 9, 2012

Think the politically correct exist only on the left?

April 8, 2012

Think the politically correct exist only on the left? Guess again! The wussypants “conservative” movement is filled with them. The left has bullied/brainwashed/beaten political correctness into most Americans that those of us who speak the truth that PC’ers don’t want to hear are immediately labeled racist/sexist/homophobic/islamaphobic/haters/etc. Most times, the ones criticizing the truth loudest and crying racism/sexism/etc are those who most closely identify politically with us. The non-PC who speak our minds based on reasoned opinion and experience expect the knee-jerk reactions from the left to our statements…we don’t care what they think or say. However, it is those on our side who are the disappointments. Their cowardice in speaking out on the truth gives power to the weapon of political correctness used to silence us.

Such is the case of John Derbyshire who was recently fired from the wussypants RINO magazine National Review. Derbyshire was fired from National Review for writing a piece in Taki’s Magazine that spoke of white and Asian parents discussing with their children the risks associated with living in predominately black areas and being in close proximity to large groups of blacks. This is a topic discussed several times here at AWD. I warned my children years ago to avoid large crowds of blacks whenever possible. Why? Experience. Did I just pick the black race out of the sky? What about Asians? What about Jewish people? When even race huckster Jesse Jackson admits he is relieved to see white kids approaching on the street rather than black kids, say no more. Violent flash mobs, riots, events such as “Beat Whitey Night,” and the plethora of crime data all point to the FACT it is much more likely to be assaulted by blacks than any other race. And THAT is the reason I warned my children about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The worst thing in PC America to be labeled is a racist. A child molester is higher on the PC totem pole. Child molester and rapist Roman Polanski was strongly defended by the PC left while Mel Gibson’s career is finished for saying the N word while in a drunken stupor. Who gives the left this kind of power to destroy those they label “racist?” We do! Our side does! Instead of standing up and saying what we know to be the truth, too many conservatives sprint to show they are one of the highly evolved beings who cannot criticize the actions of any black person in America. And this is exactly what the left wants!

The crumpling PC case of Trayvon Martin illustrates this perfectly. While it turns out Trayvon was a thug suspended from high school for drugs and possession of stolen property, the PC left, mainstream media, and even the PC right fell all over themselves portraying Trayvon as an angel as portrayed in a photo when he was 12. They totally ignored the other evidence that, like so many other black male youth, he was prone to violence and could have attacked George Zimmerman. AWD has said that in the court of law none of that matters….and it doesn’t. If Zimmerman shot Martin illegally shot Martin, he should suffer the legal consequences for the crime. But Zimmerman has been portrayed as a madman in the media when emerging evidence shows quite the contrary. Trayvon has been portrayed as an angel when emerging evidence shows he was a violent thug. Even NBC News admitted to altering video to portray Zimmerman in a more “racist” light.

A white man in Tulsa has been arrested for shooting black people. This will be an international story for weeks. Black people are killed by the dozens every week by other blacks in America hardly without mention. Apparently, the white shooter’s father was killed by a black man one year ago. While the white man’s story will be known in every country on Earth, the fact that his father was killed by a black man probably didn’t even make the local news.

When did telling the truth become racist? When did it become racist to criticize violent black behavior? And, even moreso, why? Black males commit over 50% of violent crimes in America but make up less than 6% of our population. Does the left expect no more of black males? Shouldn’t black males be admonished to commit only 6% of violent crimes? Think of the benefit to society. Think of the benefit to the black race!

I do expect more from blacks! I believe black people can achieve as much as other races if they make good life decisions and don’t do stupid things! Stupid things include dropping out of school, having illegitimate children, committing crimes and thinking America owes them something. 50 years of reparations for slavery and Jim Crow has destroyed the performance and responsibility of the black race. Black people can become successful. Too many black people have done it. And I’m talking about people who are not either rappers or professional athletes. The government cannot help black people by keeping them dependent on welfare and social services. The government doesn’t want to help black people. It wants their undying support and votes. Blacks, and only blacks, can help blacks in America. And those who can help are not Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, or BET.

AWD tries to live by MLK’s dream of a color blind society. I have said for years I am not a racist. I am a “trashist.” I don’t like trashy people of any race and reserve the right to criticize them when they act like trash. John Derbyshire wrote in Taki’s Magazine about the very conversations I had with my children when they became old enough to understand. Interestingly, they had already formed their own independent opinions from experiences watching the poor behavior of young black thugs at school. John Derbyshire isn’t a racist. He is a realist. His former boss at National Review, Rich Lowry, is a PC coward and part of the problem.

Only when America can, as Eric Holder says, have a national discussion on race…without PC filters…can we begin to fix our problems. The PC left doesn’t want an honest discussion on race. They want to immediately halt any criticism of their ideology, followers and thought leaders. Cowardly “conservatives” like Lowry and his PC ilk only give power to our ideological enemies. It is time for all common sense Americans to step up, sound off and not be afraid.

As Winston Churchill said:

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Think Baltimore blacks beating, robbing, stripping and ridiculing a white tourist will be part of the “national discussion on race?” Me neither!

This guy’s mistake was not reading AWD or John Derbyshire’s admonition to avoid areas with large numbers of blacks. He found out the hard way. Maybe he reads National Review!

Beat Whitey Night wasn’t part of the national discussion either.

And for avoiding groups of young blacks? Notice the story never mentions the color of the attackers. Honest discussion? Right!

Look for the New York Times to do an expose on this story that once again proves Derbyshire’s article:

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