Monday, April 23, 2012

Three predictions about the House’s post-Obamacare plans.

In order:

If Obamacare is overthrown, the House GOP will not receive any ungrudging positive press from the Media over having contingency plans in place for that result; but if Obamacare is upheld, they will be endlessly criticized for it.
The Democrats will make no real contingency plans whatsoever.
If Obamacare is overthrown, the lack of said contingency plans will not be held against the Democrats by the Media, despite the fact that ‘hope for the best, plan for the worst*’ is a cliche for a reason.

Just saying.

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

*’Worst’ and ‘best’ are here meant in terms of ‘worst and best for Democrats,’ of course. In real life, the worst-case scenario for the country will be Obamacare being judged fully constitutional, and the best-case one the one where Obamacare has its head cut off and put on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some legislative initiatives come at too high a price.

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