Wednesday, April 25, 2012

UN Pushing For Massive Wealth Redistribution For “Green” Crap

April 21, 2012 – 11:08 am

I’d forgotten about this story, which I saw a few days ago at a different news outlet, till I was perusing the blogroll, and saw it over at the Lonely Conservative

(Fox News) The upcoming United Nations environmental conference on sustainable development will consider a breathtaking array of carbon taxes, transfers of trillions of dollars from wealthy countries to poor ones, and new spending programs to guarantee that populations around the world are protected from the effects of the very programs the world organization wants to implement, according to stunning U.N. documents examined by Fox News.

Among the proposals on how the “challenges can and must be addressed,” according to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon:

–More than $2.1 trillion a year in wealth transfers from rich countries to poorer ones, in the name of fostering “green infrastructure, ” “climate adaptation” and other “green economy” measures.

–New carbon taxes for industrialized countries that could cost about $250 billion a year, or 0.6 percent of Gross Domestic Product, by 2020. Other environmental taxes are mentioned, but not specified.

–Further unspecified price hikes that extend beyond fossil fuels to anything derived from agriculture, fisheries, forestry, or other kinds of land and water use, all of which would be radically reorganized. These cost changes would “contribute to a more level playing field between established, ‘brown’ technologies and newer, greener ones.”

And guess who gets to administer all this money? The unelected bureaucrats at the United Nations. Anyone remember the UN’s Food For Oil program, and what a colossal failure that was? How about the bribery scandals? Sex trafficking? Major human rights violating countries on the Human Rights Commission?

What this does is what the far left has always been about: more and more power in the hands of the government, giving them more money, and reducing people’s liberty. Liberals should be careful for what they wish for, because they will not be immune to having their own wealth confiscated and their freedom curtailed. And none of it will benefit the environment, sustainability, or reduce globull warming: it’ll just enrich the UN people.


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