Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Unconfirmed rumor: Robert Mugabe on verge of death in Singapore hospital

Unconfirmed rumor: Robert Mugabe on verge of death in Singapore hospital
Posted at 8:45 pm on April 9, 2012 by Twitchy Staff

That Tweet is from Ian Birrell, contributing editor of The Daily Mail.

There’s lots of buzz on Twitter about a rumor that Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, is very ill and is fighting for his life in a Singapore hospital. Mugabe, age 88, has ruled Zimbabwe for 32 years. A June 2008 diplomatic cable leaked by Wikileaks last fall alleged that the dictator is suffering from terminal prostate cancer. The WikiLeaks document stated, “President Robert Mugabe has prostate cancer that has metastasised and, according to doctors, will cause his death in three to five years.”

According to the Independent, Mugabe missed a Cabinet meeting last week and canceled another meeting that was supposed to occur on Tuesday of this week:

Rumours that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is gravely ill are intensifying after he missed last week’s cabinet meeting and the one due today was cancelled.

President Mugabe, 88, is officially in Singapore dealing with arrangements around his daughter Bona’s postgraduate studies.

But opposition media, including The Zimbabwe Mail and The Standard, have questioned whether the president would realistically handle his daughter’s university enrolment in person.

He is reported to have left Zimbabwe on 30 March. Last Tuesday’s cabinet meeting was cancelled, as was a special Politburo gathering last week.

Twitter speculation and reaction:

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