Thursday, April 12, 2012

U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Until 2024? Quite Possibly.

By TJ Thompson
Apr 12, 2012
Conservative Daily News:

Yep, American forces in Afghanistan until 2024 – that is, if some Afghan leaders get their way.

The US is negotiating a deal with the Afghan government, among others, to determine just how long our troops will remain in the country of Afghanistan. According to The Daily Telegraph, the current agreement would allow more than just military trainers to stay for training the Afghan army and police, but special forces soldiers and air power would remain as well.

Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Mr Karzai’s top security adviser, told The Daily Telegraph “If [the Americans] provide us weapons and equipment, they need facilities to bring that equipment. If they train our police and soldiers, then those trainers will not be 10 or 20, they will be thousands.”

In addition to fears that the nature of this deal would possibly push the Taliban away from any possible negotiations for peace, this deal has already been decried publicly by Iran, and privately by Pakistan.

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