Monday, May 28, 2012

Aussie Climate Commish: Pull Teeth From Dead People Because Of Mercury

Shockingly, Tim Flannery doesn’t link this to the climate change (hoax) (note-the story originally comes from the Australian Herald Sun, but you need a paid subscription to read it)

(FoxNY) Australia’s chief climate commissioner says mercury tooth fillings should be removed from corpses before they are cremated.

The practice should be made law, Professor Tim Flannery said.

“You don’t want to poison people when you are cremated,” he said. “No one would want that.” (snip)

“You just need a pair of pliers,” he said. “It is a $2 solution.”

He actually has a point

“For mercury to become dangerous, it has to get into the atmosphere, which happens when we are cremated, then blow over the oceans [and] go into the ocean depths, where there is very low oxygen, and then transform by bacteria into a methylated form of mercury,” Flannery said.

“This is then ingested by fish and the fish get put on the dinner plate.”

As an environmentalist, I take his point seriously. Mercury can cause all sorts of health and environmental issues. But, as the Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt points out, if mercury is so bad, why are governments all over the world pushing these, including by legislation?

SOURCE: Pirates Cove

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