Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Barack won't like this new Daily Caller video series, but I think you will

Game on, Mr. President.

Our goals are modest: Beat Jon Stewart at his own game and save America from Barack Obama.

Check out the trailer...

Swing over to The Daily Caller website and help me get the word out! Be sure to replay it at least a hundred times and then a hundred more and then share it with 5,000 of your closest friends. Post it on Facebook, Twitter, your blog and everywhere else the cool kids hang out these days.

Episode 1 coming this week. This is going to be fun...

UPDATE: Reader SunnyJS: "Bring it. The independent bloggers are going to be sure Obama gets vetted this time! The power of the MSM to drive the narrative and control the flow of information has taken a major hit. Breitbart Lives!"

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