Monday, May 28, 2012

Hart Williams Endorses #BrettKimberlin Methods When it Comes to Political Disagreement

Today is "Blog about Brett Kimberlin day,"

One of my friends, RS McCain, is in hiding with his family for their safety.

And one of the revelations that came today, came from Patterico's Blog. read it and weep:

The phenomenon is called “SWATting,” because it can bring a SWAT team to your front door. SWATting is a particularly dangerous hoax in which a caller, generally a computer hacker, calls a police department to report a shooting at the home of his enemy. The caller will place this call to the police department’s business line, using Skype or a similar service, and hiding behind Internet proxies to make the call impossible to trace. Anxious police, believing they are responding to the home of an armed and dangerous man, show up at the front door pointing guns and screaming orders.

That is exactly what happened to me. It is a very dangerous hoax that could get the target killed

Although I am an L.A. County Deputy D.A., it is certain that I was “swatted” because of my blog and not because of my job. As Andrew Breitbart noted, this happened to two people within the course of a single week: a man in New Jersey and myself. Both of us had had contact with Andrew Breitbart. Both of us were writing about the same story. And both of us received email threats days before we were swatted. The threat to me said, in part: “Please think about your family. This story is not worth it. I can assure you that.”

So, Hart Williams, the Blogger at the Moderate Voice does not care about any of these people because they do not support the same policies he does.

Hart Williams (the Two on the Right) -- Hart Williams Lost Humanity (Two Pics on Left)

There is no rational reason for our society to be tearing itself apart, and yet every indication says that it is. And that leads inevitably to extremely ugly and brutal stuff. BAD IDEA. Do not go there.

While in that self-same post, he mocks Governor Palin (Liberal Misogyny, as mentioned here) and President Reagan.

Hart Williams, you want bi-partisanship with dogs and cats living together? Prove you can do it first.

And he can't, look at his comment as The Moderate Voice:

It is disgusting and despicable to see The Moderate Voice turned into another “meetoo” zombie site for this Right Wing, coordinated attack with intent to destroy one person who allegedly caused Robert Stacy McCain to flee with his family in “fear” and raise a LOT of cash by screaming for donors to contribute.

The particulars do not matter. Only the psy-ops operation, scheduled for today and utterly dominating Memeorandum. And it is despicable to see the Moderate Voice acting as an unwitting accomplice. As to whether Mr. Esmay “knows” that is for him to declare

So, Hart Williams is fine with the tactics of SWATing a Blogger with differing opinions and also threatening a family member of a Blogger at her job.

It is safe to say that Mr. Williams has become what he despised, a True Hater.

Remember this next time someone cries for Bi-partisanship and point to Hart Williams as proof that Democrats and Liberals don't care if Conservatives (and their friends and families) live or die.

My question: Why does Hart Williams endorse Brett Kimberlin's tactics against those he disagrees?

Update 11:04 PST: It seems Hart Williams does not deny he Endorses Brett Kimberlin's methods. In his Post update, Hart Williams is only upset that people are sympathizing with my friend and Patterico.
Shame on you Hart Williams.

SOURCE: Valley of the Shadows

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