Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It Ain’t 1960 Anymore!

Tue, 2012-05-15 23:51 by Rooster
Listening to current rhetoric, Liberals would have us believe Conservatives are made up of primarily middle-aged, white, male, bigots.

What with the so called “War on Women” bandied about the press, and the “War on Blacks” as espoused by Reverend Al Sharpton, who could assume otherwise? Let’s not forget the “War against Islam”, and the recently-topical Gay Marriage Debate when painting Conservatives as nothing more than a group of Racists.

I’ve been told recently that if I were to “process the data correctly”, I would come to the same conclusions.

Well, as instructed by Theron K Cal, host of the Real Brother Radio Show on Blog-Talk Radio, and a host of others on the web and throughout Twitter, I’ve looked at the data…and I’m sad to report I’ve found nothing but the contrary.

It’s a shame even today we cannot have a serious discussion about race. All involved seem fearful their words will be misconstrued as nothing more than hateful rhetoric. And, while that statement in itself is supports the existence of racism, racism is becoming increasingly irrelevant in today’s society.

Racism exists on all sides. In addition to “White America”, racism exists in the Black, Asian, Muslim, etc. communities, as well. To dispute that fact only depicts one’s ignorance.

But the numbers are dwindling on all fronts. And, to dispute that would be to “process the data incorrectly”, as others would say. For example, let’s look at the 2008 Presidential Election.

Polling just prior to the election showed President Obama defeating Senator McCain. McCain’s loss was no surprise. The surprise comes within the numbers.

Polling of registered voters, just before the election, by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal revealed 2% of voters who said race made them more likely to vote for Barack Obama. 4% said it made them less likely to do so, and 2% were not sure. Race apparently was not a major factor for 92% of voters (margin of error was ±2.9%).

So while many would have us to believe our nation had made no progress from the 1960’s through 2008, we elected our first Black President. President Obama garnered 69,456,897 votes to Senator McCain’s 59,934,814.

Of the President’s 69 million votes, approximately 42 million came from “White America”, more than the total Black population at that time. To dispute this statement would be to “process the data incorrectly”, as well.

While many argue President Obama would not have been elected without the mobilization of the Black community, the fact remains he could not have been elected had “White America” still been living in the 1960’s. Politics, not race decided the 2008 Presidential Election, nothing more.

The fact President Obama garnered the same percentage of the White-American electorate as Senator Gore and President Clinton before him only further proves politics, not race decided the 2008 Presidential Election.

Again, it was politics, not race (or sex) that decided the 2010 South Carolina Gubernatorial Race.

While Jake Knotts’ comments, referenced in the video below, provided us with yet another example of racism today, the South Carolina Electorate (certainly not a liberal stronghold) provides proof of its lessening grip when Nikki Haley, an Indian-American, was elected Governor over all others.

More examples of Racism’s dwindling relevance range from Governor’s Bobby Jindal in Louisiana and Deval Patrick in Massachusetts to Representative Alan West in Florida.

Herman Cain was considered a front-runner for the 2012 Republican nomination until his recent fall from grace. But it wasn’t racism that caused this fall. Again it was politics.

The same politics that would have us believe in the faux wars on Women, Blacks, Muslims and Gays mentioned in the opening paragraphs of this post.

Bigotry dies, or at least becomes irrelevant with time. At least, this is what that the data tells me. Further proof of this can be seen on playgrounds throughout the nation.

Children don’t possess a bigoted bone in their bodies, until taught. And the data only supports the fact that less and less adults are teaching it, on all sides.

But Politics remain forever.

So when presented with the liberal spin through the biased reporting of the Main Stream Media, the dated ramblings of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and those heard on the Real Brother Radio Show, to the attempts of organizations like MoveOn to distract voters from the real issues, keep this post in mind.

Politics, not race, (or sex) will decide the 2012 Election, as it did in 2008. Those who “process the data correctly” can come to no other conclusion.

Better stated, Hope & Change or the lack thereof will decide the 2012 Election, nothing more.


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