Monday, May 28, 2012

NYT White House Correspondent: Obama 'Hates' Camp David Because There's No Golf

Camp David has been an historic presidential retreat since World War II, but according to New York Times White House correspondent Helene Cooper, Barack Obama "hates it" because there isn't any golf.

Such was revealed on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show this weekend (video follows with transcript and commentary):

HELENE COOPER, NEW YORK TIMES WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Alright, for something totally superficial, I have figured out why President Obama does not like Camp David.

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: He doesn’t like it?

COOPER: He hates it. We were up there for the G-8 last weekend and I’ve never been able to understand why, you know, Obama, President Obama doesn't like going there. It's beautiful. I mean, the cabins are…

MATTHEWS: Did you get to see it?

COOPER: Yes, I finally got to see it. I got to see the presidential cabin.

MATTHEWS: Everybody loved it.

COOPER: It was fantastic. And so everybody’s going, “Why doesn't he spend more time up there?” No golf.

MATTHEWS: No golf.

COOPER: It's all about the golf.

MATTHEWS: Doesn’t he have a little putting green?

COOPER: No, it's all about the golf. It's got a couple of places where you can...

MATTHEWS: But it's got skeet shooting, it’s got bowling, it’s got everything.

COOPER: There's wildlife, I saw a squirrel.

MATTHEWS: Oh God. I think that shows a limitation at this point. I think it would be great out there.

You think so, Chris?

After all, the President that claims to be a man of the people has now played over 100 rounds of golf since Inauguration Day.

While Obama's adoring media try to paint Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney as a wealthy elitest out of touch with the public, maybe they should be far more critical of a president that has averaged over two rounds of golf per month while much of the nation struggles to make ends meet.

His love of golf is so great he doesn't even like the famed presidential retreat because it doesn't have a course.

It therefore will be very interesting to see how much attention Cooper's startling revelation gets in the coming days.

Stay tuned.


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