Sunday, May 20, 2012

Obama Keeps A Bad Promise to Kill Off Coal

Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger
Saturday, May 19, 2012, 10:12 PM

The Gateway Pundit:

(Guest Blogger Dave Carter is a Contributor for, a retired military veteran, and cross-country truck driver)

Next up, as we spin more Obama records for you, we’re gonna go old school with this hit from way back in 2008, when Candidate Obama was burning up the charts with his fundamentally transformational album, Baby I Got What It Takes To Take What You Got. Remember these golden words?

If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

Seems like only yesterday, right? Well eat your heart out Barry White, because President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency is now on Coal Patrol. That’s right, the same agency who thinks that the mud puddle in your back yard is a federally protected wetland, is now out to make good on the President’s promise with a new rule that could spell disaster for the coal industry. With the people’s representatives in Congress having declined to pursue an unpopular Cap and Trade scheme, the President’s administrators are trying it through a regulation that, according to the Washington Times, “…would force coal-fired plants to meet the standard of ’1,000 pounds of CO2 per megawatt-hour,’ a threshold that could be met only with unavailable carbon-capture technology.”

Are you feeling all hopey changey yet? The coal industry certainly is, as an estimated 200,000 jobs will be at risk as a result of the EPA’s latest brainstorm. Vice President Joe Biden was in West Virginia recently, where Democrat voters preferred felon Keith Judd over President Barack Obama. “When you’re out of work, man, it’s a depression,” said Biden, who added, “And a lot of people are still hurt because of this God-awful recession we inherited, that cost 8.4 million jobs before we could really get going. And so, I don’t blame people. They’re frustrated. They’re angry.” So there you have it! West Virginians are not angry about an industry and an economy that is being devastated by Obama’s latest hit, Utopians Gone Wild. No, they’re good and righteously honked off to the point that they’d rather vote for a felon because of George Bush, see? If that makes sense to you, please pass the glue to the person seated next to you so they can get some understanding too.

Meanwhile, as electrical grids weaken, the Sierra Club types will be wondering where they can plug in their electric cars. A suggestion springs immediately to mind…

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